|Chapter 8|

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Chapter 8//

I really need a car. I tought, walking my way back to Ross appartement again. Sighing i looked at my watch on my pols seeing i still had twenty minuts.

"You again?" A voice asked. Looking up i saw a familair face walking my way again. I just couldn't putt my finger on it were i saw him.

  "Excuse me?" I asked with pulled up eyebrows.

He chuckeld. "It's me remeber? I almost pushed you down the cliff,"

  A light came above my head. Finally remebering who it was. "Ah! Now i remeber you!" I smiled at him.

         "It's nice to see you again." Smilling back at me. He pulled his hand out. "I am Riker by the way."

  "It's nice to meet you Riker. I am Laura,"

         "Laura, a nice name for a nice person," He said friendly. I smilled gradefull at the compliment. Sending a quik look at my watch i realised that i really had to go.

   "Well, Riker. I need to go."

   "Can i get your number?" He asked with no shame.

   Oh, smooth guy over here.

I am nor gonna lie. Rikwe was an attractive person. His blond hair that fail on his forhead, and of course a nice smile. But he reminded me of someone.

   "Well...." I trailed off.

   "I am not letting you go intill i get your number." He smirked at me. Realising there was no other way to get to Ross i gave him my number.


"Laura! Come in come in! I just made some pizza!" Charlie greeted me happyly when she opened the door for me. I smiled at her kindness.

    "Thanks Charlie,"

Following her to the kitchen, Ross was already sitting there eating his pizza. My heart skipped a beat.        Sitting down next to him, he looked at my way and smile skipped a beat again.

  "Here you go," Charlie said and put a plate in front of me- with a self made pizza slice on it.

   I am a picky eater. But i didn't wanted to be rude. Carefully i took a bite. My palates where in heaven.

    "This is delicious!" Yelling out i took another bite. A warm chuckle came from my right. Looking up i saw that Ross was watching me with a smile. Blush came on my cheeks and i looked away.

    "Well Charlie, thank you for the amazing pizza- but, me and Laura need to go." I wanted to take a last bite, but Ross diced this was a good moment to drag me away from my pizza.

        "No! My pizza!" I yelled, looking at the pizza for the last time.

   This time Ross laughed out loud. Strugguling myself of his hold i walked next to him.

   "So what do you want to do today?" Asking him, i looked at him.

         "Um, today we could..." He tought about it for a moment, "We could read that book again! I practesed and now i am already on page 206!" He smilled at me exited. Argh he is so cute,

Whait, What?

I nodded my head and he moved to a new door. I looked at him confused, "Arn't we going to the-"

    "Nope," He grabbed the doorlink. "We are going to my room." And he opened the door.

Stepping im his room wasn't what i expected. The room was colourfull and full of light. While Ross whore mosy of the time dark close. He had a big room. With a king sized bed and a laptop, tv, etc. But one thing really catched my eye. He had this wall with all kind of drawings on it.

    "Nice," I said. He walked to his bed and grabbed the book under his pillow. Blushing he looked at me, he tapped the the place next to him on his bed. Slowly i walked my way to him. Sitting down next to him with my legs crossed, i could feel his warmth.

   "So," I started shaky, "Read to me where you ended." He opened his book and screached for the right page.

"I'm in love with you," He started reading. My breath hitched in my troath. ""Augustus,'I said. 'I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling.

Ross quickly looked at me. My heary was going crazy.      "'I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.'" Then he stopped reading and he looked at me.

I know what he felt, and i felt the same. Energie was going in my veins, when i looked in his eyes. I moved closer.

Should i take a change? I asked myself. Why the hell not?

Ross satt there, immovable. His hands where still tightly grabbing his book. But his eyes looked at me, waiting for my next move.         First i grabbed his book out off his hands and trowed it somewhere on the bed. His eyes followed the book for a moment and i saw his Adam's apple went up and down. He is nervous,

     Taking my change i laid my hand on his cheek. Slowly he moved his head back to mine again. Seeing that i was allot closer now.

        "Ever kissed someone?" I asked, one of my fingers moved to his upper lip.

    "N-n-no," I could praticily hear his heart beating fast.

      "Me neither." And my lips sloftly met his.




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So yesterday i made a new story and now it is up! Please check it out it would mean ALLOT, if i see some people extaley read it- i am updating this story tomorrow again!

Yeesss, i am sneaky *smirks*

So check it out!



Stay awsome

Much love from me♥

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