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"Why did you throw this away?" he said showing me the crushed note.
"Give it to me. Give it to me Liftoil" I said trying to snatch it away. "Liftoil I am throwing it away".
"Why?" he asked while escaping away.
"I have no use of it".
I struggled a lot to get it but all my efforts were in vein. He opened the crushed note carefully to look over.
"Padlom, be considerate to the person who gave you this" he said raising it.
I didn't answer but stood there numb.

"I like you Padlom. From smiling bear 🐻" reads Neo as he took it away from Liftoil.
"Neo! Neo!". I screamed while snatching it away.

"Who is this smiling bear?" shouted Liftoil. Everybody stood up and started looking at each other in hesitation.
"Guys who is this smiling bear?".
"Liftoil give it to me" I shouted one last time.
"Guys who is this smiling bear?" he shouted again without even listening.
"What is smiling bear?" asked Id.  "This"said Liftoil broadcasting the note.
"Wow such hottie. Some guy giving you love letter" replied I'd.
"No smiling bear here?" said Liftoil one last time.

I stood there too embarrassed and irritated to say anything. I didn't want my last year to end like this. It hurts....It really hurts as I don't want my past  to haunt me. I angrily stormed out off the room.

I rushed through the corridors swiping away my tears. I sat on the bench crying reminding the things happened in the room.

"This letter is from me. Don't stress out" said Spoil from behind.
I turned over in shock to look at her.
"Why did you do it?" I spat angrily.
"I wanted someone to make a move on me. I asked you and you don't like any of them. I wanted them to think that someone is already pursuing you. No one will go for the ghost girl. Grace is too pretty and out of there league. So I am the only viable option for all of them" she said in one go.

"You just humiliated me just to get a guy to make a move on you".
"It meant to be a funny joke" she said.
"It's not funny. You are the last person I wouldn't think of as culprit" I said.
"What's wrong with you? Why are you so mad at me?. I asked you and you said you don't like anyone there. You told me you're not looking for love and relationship".

"I am not" I shouted angrily.
"You're Padlom. If you weren't you wouldn't be so mad at me. Let me ask you what is it that makes you so mad? Are you mad because you were embarrassed in front of guys? Or are you mad because I may have ruined your chance of having pursuing a guy? Admit it! Out of seven guys, there must be someone you want? You're just as slutty as me! I'm sorry that my sluttiness is getting in your way. I'll stay out of your hair now on".

She then stormed away. I sat there sobbing at her acts. Even those words broke my heart. How can she do this to me when she knows my weakness.....

"Cry it out loud. Don't be shy?" Alan said sitting beside me. I turned away hiding my tears.
"A tear drop is composed of water, salt, protein and hormones- that's it. Just like saliva. I'm not shy when I spit saliva during talking".
"I don't like to spit when I talk infront of others" I said.
"Wipe your tears then"he said reaching out a handkerchif. I took and wiped my tears.
"Now you're all good" he said smiling. I smiled back.

It was during school days, when Jay taught me what first heartbroken felt like.

Class 10

"Padlom sorry I didn't text you goodnight last night. I fell asleep" he said resting his head on my shoulder.
Yes as you can see since childhood we  got to know each other. We started of with friendship but as time passed by I started liking him without expressing it to him.

We used to share maximum times being together just like couples.....but we address it as best friends. We also stood together in the ups and downs in one's life. Like while my father passed away he helped me a lot to heal away my sorrow. That very moment my heart sweeped away for him. I think he feels the same......I think......

"Jay. Do you like me?" I asked.
He got up staring at me in shock. I stared back.
"Are you embarrassed. Am I too direct?" I said making eye to eye contact.
"Hey we're friends. Did I just broke your heart?" he said.
"What? I asked you if you liked me. I don't like you. We're just friends" I said confidently hiding off my tears.

That day my heart hurted a lot. I cried my heart out....first day.....second....third it went on. Everytime I saw him it hurts a lot. I broke contacts and went away far from everything.

Class 11

Then Kor entered my life. He was much more better than Jay much more understanding, lovely......the best part is he didn't hurted me.

Recently, Kor and I were loveliest friends. One day we both were busy in the decoration of bulletin board. It's the last year and it was the best time to know my answer.

"Hey Kor. Are we still friends?" I said.
"If we're not friends. What else can we be?" he asked arranging the charts.
"Well....What about a couple?" I said nervously.
"Padlom, did I lead you on that we're more than friends?" he said looking at me.
That's when I got my second heartbreak.

Class 12

Another one was Tom. We walked through the empty school corridor.
"So, what do you think?" I asked Tom. "About what?" he said.
"Well....about us".
"I'm a gay" he said out of blue.
"What?......Gay" I said in shock.
"Hmm". He nodded.


"You walk me home everyday. Do you like me?"
"Whoa, that's a direct question?" he said.
"I don't want to assume things".
"I don't think of you that way".
"Oh, what about those texts".
"Did I act like making a move on you?"
People may describe this as 'burned'. But for me it hurts much more being burned.
"Well you can leave me here and stop walking me home".
"Is that what you want?".

It's the look that I have been given more than enough. I won't allow my eyes to see this look ever again. Since then I eliminated every possible risk of falling in love with someone. Tried my best to avoid boys. My best friend was Spoil my one an only friend.
"Hey, make a friend. Aren't you sick of me?" said Spoil.
"No, I will stick with you and you only. I'm fine with it."
It's me and Spoil throughout my first year in college. I'm just fine with it.

Back to reality

Seven days later

I straight away walked to my locker to fetch some stuffs. As I opened it I saw a cute stuffed teady. I got a little shocked. I took it out and looked at the note attached to it which reads-
"For you Padlom. From a smiling bear 🐻".

"Cut what out?" Spoil said.
I shown her the teddy tapping my feet.  "Hey whose teddy is this" she said holding it out.
"Cut the bullshit! Why did you put it in my locker".
"This is not from me".
"If it's not you then who?".
"I don't know".
"You're the one who does this kind of shits".
"I swear it's not me".
"Swear on what?".
"If i lie, may I not have a husband in this lifetime. It may be that my fake love letter is a trigger point".
"There are seven guys, one of them must have crush on you" she said.
"Someone must play a prank on me". "Someone is crushing on you". 
"I'm letting go". Then I just rushed away.

"Hey Padlom. Your teddy. It's yours. "The first person you meet once you get out of elevator is your admirer", she shouted from back. I went inside the elevator and tapped the button.

As it went down my heart started beating rapidly. The first person you meet once you get out of elevator is your admirer. The thought made me more tensed as it went down. Finally the elevator stopped and the doors opens. Then I saw....................

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