Chapter 3

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Stalker next door

Chapter 3

     Skai's POV

I just woke up and even before I saw the note I felt someone's presence. I'm changing my locks now; I called in sick at work.
This is getting serious I called Starr my best friend forever and her about it.
I now have deadbolts.

Starr and I are going to the police station together and then we're going to meet Cassie for coffee.  I take the notes and head out closing the door behind me

*at the police station *

"Well ma'am we'll try and see what we can do you really haven't given us much to where with but we'll give you a call with all our findings" says the sergeant.

I just shake my head, "well do that, thanks" I say dryly and leave. 

That provided little comfort I still felt weird and in danger. 

Starr offered to spend the night but I refused  We met Cassie for coffee and after filling to her in both of them decided I need better protection so they suggested I get a dog.

So after coffee Cassie drove us to the pound of and got the meanest dog there – fluffy –  a Rottweiler.

Cassie put her in the back seat with me, Starr rode in the front.  I looked at the huge dog lying in my lap.

It almost seems as she's cowering, how will such a sweet little dog protect me why do need protection he said he won't hurt me and he's had more than enough chances to hurt me and he hasn't yet and I won't give him a chance to.

I bought a collar, leash,, dog food, a food bowl and a water bowl.

When I arrive home I notice Nathaniel has completed the moving in process and was outside working on his car he had a late model buggatti it was purple & blue — my favorite colours— he had on a vest.  Could see a butterfly tattoo on his arm and half a heart with a key hanging on a string I can't see the rest its covered by his vest.

When I take fluffy from the car he walks over, he bends and pats fluffy on her head then starts to play with her.

This is the dog that's suppose to protect me it warms up to strangers well, too well

"What's her name" asks Nathaniel

"Fluffy" I reply

"Some name, this is one of the most dangerous breeds of dogs" says Nathaniel

"Can I call you Neil?" I ask absently

"Only if you go on a date  with me" he says as he rises, his grey eyes look-into my green

"uhh ok" I say smiling

Cassie and starr break the silence. 

I forgot they were there

"Hi, we're skai's best friends Starr and Cassie" says Cassie snickering

"Nice to meet you guys" says Neil.

Starr and Cassie carries fluffy in while Neil and I talk, "you know i would have gone out with you, You could have just asked" I say

"Even if you didn't date me I would answer to Neil" he says

I lean back against cassie's car, I wonder if they know I can see them watching us.

Nathaniel is beside me we're silent, but its a comfortable kind.

I feel so small beside him, he's almost twice my size I can just imagine if he stepped on my toes
"So where do you wanna go ?" he asks breaking the silence and snapping Mr out of deep thought.

"Surprise me"  I say but when I think about it that was dumb. He knows nothing about me how would he know what I could like.

Starr and Cassie apparently got tired of watching us stand together and came back out side.

"Bye Hun" says Cassie as she hugs and kisses me.

"See you" says starr we got off the car and watched them drive .

" I better go tend to fluffy" I say using fluffy as an excuse to leave

"uhh ok " He says and watches as I go inside. I put fluffy's bowls in a corner and pour water in one & dog chow in the other.

I have nothing to do so while making an early dinner I watch a movie on LMN; the blue-eyed butcher.

I make spaghetti and meat balls, pour some orange juice and sit.

this show is interesting.

When it has ended I go take a bath music playing loudly in my ears.

I fall asleep at some point I don't wake up again until the temperature of the water drops and its freezing.

I don my pyjamas and go to bed. I get back up to check on fluffy and after drinking a glass of water return to bed


omigosh I took Foreves to upload I'm just lazy anyways hope y,all liked it  

I adore you 




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