3 | Followed

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Here's chapter three, only three more after this!

Chapter Three: Followed

"LEO!" I yell, horrified.

I immediately leapt forward and into the water, grabbing his arm before he could fully sink under the surface.

The stream took us in many different directions before I finally managed to grab onto a hanging tree branch. Struggling, I soon got to the bank, pulling Leo onto the grass with me.

I hesitantly check his pulse, relieved to find it normal. I had tried my best to keep his head above the water.

I turn around and begin coughing, wiping away a trickle of water running down my chin. Shivering from the cold, I pulled Leo closer to me, studying his wounds.

A fist sized cut was on the back of his head, but luckily it wasn't deep.

His skin was losing it's warmth, and I started to panic.

Aw man, this is BAD! Anyone but me would've been better! April could sense the way back, Donnie could heal him, Raph would easily be able to carry him, and Casey-

Well, maybe not Casey...

I study the area around me, alarmed to realize I had never been here.

I'll just have to follow the river back then... Right?

"Leo...?" I question, nudging his arm. He groaned, but his eyelids stayed closed.

"C'mon, bro..." I whisper. I untie his mask, pressing it against the wound to stop the faint bleeding.

"Leo, I don't know the way back! Please wake up!" I beg, shaking him. He didn't even groan this time.

"Okay, you're not waking up. If you're really so tired you could've just said so before the walk dude." I grin down at him. "But I'll get us back, no problem! Don't you worry!"

I shakily stand up, teeth chattering. I warily pulled him onto my shell, wrapping his limp arms around my neck.

"Wow, either you train way to often or you binge watch Space Heroes to much!" I laugh, trying to cheer him up.

He doesn't even acknowledge that I spoke.

Sighing, I began to follow the river upstream. After ten minutes of trekking through the snowy woods, following the stream, I realized that it was getting even more dark. The moon was now visible, rising up and into the night sky.

"Oh no, Leo! It's getting dark!" I say, voice weaker then intended. Why couldn't this happen when there was light?

"Hmm, what would you say... Probably something like 'find shelter' and 'get warm', am I right or am I right?" I ask him, grinning.

My smile fell as soon as I saw he still made no reaction.

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to find a place for us to sleep on my own then..." I sigh, beginning to look around. After a few minutes, I shook my head.

"Well, I don't see- OH!" I gasp, jumping a little in excitement.

An abandoned barn was barely visible in the woods nearby.

I hurry towards it, hesitating as I stood in front of the cracked open doors. I slowly open them, peering inside. It looked like a normal abandoned barn to me; empty horse stalls, dusty floor, and a pile of hay at the end. A few holes in the ceiling provided enough light to see.

I plop down on the hay, laying Leo right next to me.

"Hey, this isn't to bad!" I say, but winced when I felt the hay poking my skin.

"Hehe... Uh, I'm going to go look around for something we can use..." I decide, walking towards the stalls.

After a couple minutes of searching, I came back with a lighter and old blanket. I carefully wrap the blanket around Leo's unconscious form, then curiously holding up the lighter.

After a few moments of thinking, I walked to the stalls and took out my nunchucks; based off what has happened in the past, we never left our weapons at home anymore.

I chopped off a bunch of wood from the gates and made a small pile a few feet away from the hay. Sticking out my tongue in concentration, I flicked the lighter on and lit the wood. A spark flickered to life, quickly turning into a small camp fire.

I'm about to do a victory dance, but decide not to since I'm so tired.

"YES! Did you see that, Leo?! I did it, all by myself!" I boast.

I quickly turn to face him, face falling. I pull him a little closer to the warmth of the flames.

I should check out the area around the barn. I couldn't help but feel like we were being watched, but it was probably just the rabbits and stuff, right?

I stand up, walking towards the barn doors.

As soon as I got into the cold air, I winced, wondering if I should go back. No, Leo would say that we have to check out our surroundings.

I need to make sure we're safe!

I study the woods around me, shrugging after a minute.

"Well, it doesn't look like there's anyone around here?" I mutter, tipping my head.

I'm about to turn back when I hear a loud snap to my left. Turning around, I narrow my eyes as I raised my nunchucks.

"Who's there?!" I demand, voice more hoarse and scared then I hoped. The shuffling got louder, and I got into a defensive position, bracing myself for a fight.

"I'm not scared of you, whoever you are! Come out and face my hot nunchuck fiery!" I yell. The movement stopped, and I tensed.

Suddenly, a small brown shape darted out. Is that a...

"AH! SQUIRREL!" I scream, voice high pitched.

I turn and bolt into the barn, locking the doors behind me. Sighing with relief that I was away from that monster, I hurry towards Leo, who's in the same position as before.

"Phew, the squirrels didn't get you either." I say, smiling softly.

I lay down next to him, deciding to let him use the blanket. The fire only made me a little more warm, and I knew the same would go for him, but he needed more strength then I did if he was to heal quickly.

Sighing, I tried to ignore the poky hay as I rested my head on my arms. Yawning, I closed my eyes.

"Goodnight, Leo."

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