Chapter 6

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Checking his appearance in the mirror, V inwardly sighed as he listened to Suga's lecture. His hyung had waited up for him again, and had been pissed when the younger had shown up covered in blood again.

"Do you think I appreciate losing out on sleep because you're out getting your rocks off by torturing some some helpless victim?," the older was angrily pacing.

Crossing his arms, he sulked, "Hyung, you make it sound like I'm out there killing innocents; all of my toys deserved what came to them!"

"I don't give a sh!t about them V, they're not the ones I'm worried about! Do you think I care about some murderers, rapists, and thugs? I'm fvcking worried about you!"

The younger looked down, feeling guilty. Suga was one of the only people he cared about, and he owed him so much. It was Suga who'd taken him in when he'd woken up confused, scared, and in pain. And it was Suga who'd taught him how to fight, teaching him how to use blades, guns, any weapon he could get his hands on. He hated to think that he'd left his beloved hyung feeling worried all night.

"I'm sorry hyung. I didn't mean to worry you." Looking up at the older with a pleading expression, he pouted, "Please forgive me Yoongi-bear?"

Suga groaned at the nickname that only V could get away with. He didn't know how the younger had wormed his way into his heart. Suga was known for being cold, calculating, and brutal. But something about the fragile boy they'd found years ago had changed him. "Fine, but from now on you'd better keep your phone on you, and check in with me to let me know you're alright. Got it?"

V grinned happily, hugging the older, "I will hyung."

Suga hesitated, "And V, maybe you should start trying to find something else that helps you when you're feeling that way. I don't care about the guys you target, but I'm worried that it may eventually just make you feel worse."

The younger frowned to himself, his face resting on the older's shoulder where his expression was hidden. He didn't mention to Suga that he hadn't really felt much better after his playtime. He didn't want his hyung to worry even more, and he certainly didn't want Baeki-hyung or Chany-hyung worrying either.

The Jeon Residence

Jungkook adjusted his tie as he glanced at the mirror. He was on the way to Baekhyun and Chanyeol's anniversary party, which was cocktail attire. He would be attending with the rest of his friends, and was hoping to use the opportunity to observe Byun Baekhyun and his husband more closely now that he knew that the Byuns had held some connection to the Kims. Although part of him was screaming for him to just take his revenge on the Byuns, his cooler mind had prevailed and he was waiting for more information.

Grimacing, Jungkook found himself wondering who else he'd be forced to socialize with at this party. Undoubtedly, there would be tons of vultures circling, people who would sniff out the wealthiest and most powerful to latch onto.

Against his will, that V popped into his head. Would he be attending the party as well? It wouldn't be that shocking, after all, Baekhyun seemed to trust him a great deal.

'I wonder why he insists on hiding his face. Baekhyun's other guard at the meeting didn't bother with a mask. Does this V have some kind of disfigurement? His figure seemed slim and toned, if a little shorter than I expected. And the skin on his neck and lower face seemed smooth and tanned, not scarred.'

Realizing that the mystery assassin was occupying his mind far too much, Jungkook shook his head in irritation. He was certainly not interested in Baekhyun's psychotic pet killer! As he stalked out the entrance to the car though, he had to ignore the little voice in his head that hoped he'd see V at the party.

Elsewhere in Seoul:

V found himself staring out the passenger side window of Suga's window, lost in thought. They were both dressed in expensive suits for the special occasion, V's favorite, Gucci. Absentmindedly, he murmured, "Will he come, do you think?"

Glancing over at the younger, Suga frowned, "What was that?"

Sighing, the younger looked over at his hyung, "That Jeon Jungkook, do you think he'll be attending the party?"

Shrugging his shoulders, the older returned his eyes to the road. "He was invited. Why? What's it to you?"

V was quiet for a while, long enough that Suga was about to pester the younger for an answer. But when his voice came, it was soft and pensive, "There's something about him. I don't know what it is. But when I look at him, I feel something new."

The older frowned, confused and a little worried by the news. What about Jeon could be getting to V? He didn't like dealing with situations where he didn't know every detail. It could lead to bad sh!t going down. And V wasn't the most stable to begin with. Adding an unknown variable to the situation could be dangerous. 'Guess I'm going to be watching this Jeon even closer than I'd planned.'

AN: Ok, I know it's been slow, with not much Taekook, but it will pick up soon. I didn't want to just dive right into the drama. There will start to be more Taekook interaction in the next chapter though!

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