Chapter 33

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V is lying on the bed in his room, aimlessly playing on his phone, when a light knock has his head turning to the door. "Come in."

Cotton-candy pink hair appears as Jimin peeks his head through the gap. Seeing the younger, he gives a cheery smile, "Hey V! Feeling better?"

The ash haired boy feels his face grow warm, his face and ears blushing at the question. "I'm fine hyung," giving a speculative glance at the older he continues, "What about you?"

Jimin's face turns pink, but he gives a happy grin, his eyes smiling at his friend, "I'm great. Hobi and I both really like Yoongi. I'm glad everything's out there now, you know?"

V nods, giving a smile before biting his lip, his expression becoming concerned, "Just...please be careful, ok Chim? Yoongi-hyung is really important to me, and y-you're important to me too. And I like Hoseok too. I don't want you guys getting hurt."

The older feels emotion making his eyes burn. A few weeks ago, if anyone had told the pinkette that the infamous V would say Jimin was important to him and show concern for him, he would have said they were as crazy as V was. But for his best friend, whom he'd thought was lost forever, to show he cared and was letting the older boy in...he couldn't hold his feelings back. Reaching forward, he grabs V into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around the silver haired boy's shoulders. "I'm so glad you're here Tae- I mean-V."

The younger stiffens a moment before relaxing and returning the hug, one arm reaching up to pat at the older's back. Sighing, his voice is so soft Jimin almost misses what he says, "You can call me Tae, i-if you want."

The pink haired boy hugs him tighter in response, a quiet sniffle muffled in V's sweater. A moment later, a throat being cleared interrupts the two friends, making each of them look up. Jin is standing in the open doorway, a smile on his pink lips. Embarrassed, Jimin wipes at his damp eyes, "Hyung! How long have you been standing there?"

The older grins and shrugs, "Long enough," straightening he changes the subject, "I came to see if either of you need anything from the store. I need some things for dinner, and I can grab whatever you need while I'm there."

V perks up, looking excited, "I want to come with you! I'm so bored being stuck here and doing nothing!"

The eldest frowns, "I don't think that's a good idea V. You're supposed to be lying low; there's still a hit out on you after all."

"Pleeeeaaaase, hyung? I'm going crazy here! And it's not like we're helpless damsels in distress. Each of us knows how to fight and defend ourselves. I never go anywhere without weapons anyways."

Jin tries to argue again, "V, it's just a grocery run, it's not like I'm going to a party."

The youngest looks up at the older man with large, pleading, puppy-like eyes. "Please? Usually I'd just go out hunting by myself if I was bored. Isn't it better if I go with you and Chim?"

The other man sighs, unable to resist the pleading gaze of the younger, as well as wanting to avoid V sneaking out on his own again, "Alright, fine, but we're coming right home. And you have to promise not to sneak out later."

V nods eagerly, "I promise!"

At the store

V watches, amused, as Jin looks intently over the produce, seeming to take his food shopping very seriously.

Jimin's voice pipes up, "I'm gonna go grab some ice cream to bring home. Is there a certain flavor you want, Tae?"

The ash haired boy grins, nodding, "Strawberry, please!"

The pink haired boy smiles before heading to the freezer section. Jin looks up at the youngest and smiles to himself, before hearing his phone ring in his pocket. Frowning at the screen, he looks up, "Tae, I've gotta take this."

The younger nods, watching as Jin answers the call. Pacing behind the older man, he freezes when he hears his own phone ringing. Looking at the screen, he smiles when he sees 'Yoongi-bear' lighting up the screen.

"Hello hyungie! What's up?"

"V, where the hell are you?", the older sounds annoyed.

"Oh, Jinnie-hyung needed some things from the store, and Chim and I were bored so we asked to go with him."

"Dammit V, you're not supposed to be leaving the compound without Jeon knowing. Hell, at least let me know, so I can go along."

The younger unconsciously sticks his lip out in a pout, "I'm not a baby, hyung! I'm V! I'm capable of protecting myself for a little visit to the store!"

"Well your brother's here to see you and has information on the guy who's being paid to take you out. You know he's gonna be worried sick if he hears you left without guards."

V bites his lip, the thought of how worried Baekhyun would be immediately making him feel guilty for his childish insistence on leaving with Jin. "I'm sorry Yoongi-bear. I'll tell Jin and Chim we have to head back-", he trails off as something catches his eye.

A tall, blonde man, dressed all in black is standing at the far end of the produce section, his eyes fixed on the silver haired assassin. Seeing he's caught V's attention, he smirks, before raising up a jacket in his hand. He feels his heart speed up as he recognizes the jacket as the one Jimin had been wearing. But what's worse is the dark red stain near the collar of the jacket. 'Oh no, Chim!'

"V? You still there?", Suga's voice pulls his attention back to the phone, although his eyes remain fixed on the blonde man staring at him.

"Hyung, I don't have time. Track my location. I'm really sorry, I fvcked up."

The older's voice immediately changes, sounding alert, "What's going on?"

Seeing the blonde man gesturing for him to look behind him, he sees a red dot fixed on Jin's head, the older man still distracted by his phone call and seemingly unaware of what's going on. The threat draws a surprised gasp from him. 'I was so stupid! Why didn't I listen to everyone who told me to stay home?!'

Meeting the blonde man's hard gaze, he nods and walks in his direction, hoping Jin stays distracted and doesn't see him leaving. Speaking quickly into the phone, he tries to reassure Suga quickly before hanging up, "I'm sorry hyung. I'll be ok."

Following the blonde out the door, he immediately finds himself being shoved into a dark car. He fights the urge to resist, remembering that he doesn't know where Jimin is. "What did you do with Jimin?", his voice is hard and cold.

The blonde smirks, "You mean the pink-haired shortie? He's safe, so long as you cooperate. Toss the phone."

V frowns as he complies and tosses his phone out the window, the man's smooth voice feeling familiar, the sound making him feel sick.

Seeing the ash haired boy shoot a glare at him, the blonde chuckles,"The name's Jackson. And I'm looking forward to spending time with you again, doll."

The other feels his breath catch in his throat, his heart pounding desperately at Jackson's words. 'It's him again,' runs through his mind, right before he feels a sharp pain in his thigh, and sees the syringe which the other man has jabbed into him. As his vision fades, he hears the smooth voice again, "Just be good and take a nap."

His last thought  before losing consciousness is a desperate plea, 'Kookie, don't be too late!'

AN: Don't hate me! I 💜 you!

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