Prologue- "I'll talk to you later."

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3rd person's POV:
September 3, 2018

Looking at the clock yoongi notices that it's almost time for his break. Seeing that there weren't customers at the café, he decides to take it early. But before he can leave the counter, the doorbell rings signaling that there's a customer entering the café. Looking up to greet the customer yoongi notices a familiar face. For about two weeks he has been seeing this familiar face every day around the same time, however today this person came earlier than usual.

Giving the girl his full attention he says to her, " Good morning Jennie , would you like the usual?".

Jennie was a bit shocked to hear that the handsome man in front of her not only remembered her name, but the drink that she usually gets. She thought that Yoongi didn't notice her, let alone remember her.

It's been two weeks since she stumbled upon this small café and from then she has come to this café every single day. She continued to go not just to stare at the handsome young man, but to see if she would find the courage to give him her number. Jennie wasn't the type to get shy around people, she always knew what she wanted and would go for it with confidence. However, everything changed the moment she laid her eyes on the man standing before her.

Snapping out of her shocked state she quickly nods her head, "Yes please...Oh and good morning to you too."

Looking up at her Yoongi comments, "Alright then, You're total is $5.32".

Quickly looking away from his gaze she hands him the money.

Giving jennie her change he tells her, " I'll take your drink to your table when it's ready."

She quickly nods and walks to the closest table. Jennie was really nervous because she decided that today was the day she was going to give yoongi her number. She just wasn't sure when she was going to do it, but she knew she had to do it soon since her flight to New York was in an hour. It wasn't until she saw her drink being placed in front of her that she was snapped out of her thoughts.

Breaking the silence yoongi looks at her and says, " I'm going to be taking my break right now, but if you need anything don't hesitate in letting me know".

Giving her a warm smile he turns around to go to the back room, but he stops when he feels a soft yet small hand around his wrist.

Turning to look at Jennie he asks , "You need something?".

Jennie takes a deep breath and then looks up at him and says, " Umm yes actually I do... You see I was wondering if maybe you'd like to message me sometime, that way we can get to know each other."

Glancing everywhere but him, the girl anxiously waits for his reply. It wasn't until she notices him put his phone on the table in front of her that she decides to look up at him.

"Type in your number in my phone and I'll message you when I'm not busy," yoongi says while giving her a friendly smile.

Jennie unlocks the phone and notices that it's time for her to leave but before she does, she quickly types in her number on his phone and hands it back to him.

Quickly standing up she grabs her drink and says, " I have to go, but thank you Yoongi. I'll talk to you later."

Smiling at the handsome man she turns around and heads towards the exit happily.

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