ch. 13- "As long as you're by my side, I'll be fine".

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A/N: your girl is lazy when it comes to everything( including revising) and I also don't have time to do so because I have class in a bit, so please excuse any grammar errors.


3rd person's POV:
January 6, 2019

Opening his eyes, Yoongi is greeted by a snoring hobi who was currently snuggled onto him. Sighing Yoongi rubs his eyes and recalls the events that lead up to him getting drunk and waking up with a massive hangover and a passed out hobi clinging onto him. Pushing hobi off of him, he sits up and tries to clear his mind from what happened the night before, but it was no use.

He understood that Jennie was a busy woman, but that still didn't help the fact that he felt like he was the only one putting effort in their relationship. Even if he was busy he would do his best to make time for his girlfriend, so he couldn't understand why she couldn't do the same.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of dishes clattering that he was brought out of his train of thoughts. Getting out of his bed Yoongi makes his way into the kitchen. Seeing that it was lisa, he walks up to her and snakes his arms around her waist while resting his chin on her shoulder.

"You didn't have to wash the dishes, you could have just left them there and I would have gotten to them later", Yoongi mutters while looking up at the beautiful young girl.

"I know, but I didn't have anything else to do, so I figured why not help clean up a bit", focused on the task at hand the girl spoke without looking at the boy that was clinging on to her.

"Well you must have been really bored to have not only cleaned up my house, but to also make us breakfast", Yoongi mentions while glancing at the pot that was on the stove.

"Mhmm... ohh I almost forgot, I noticed that you didn't have any medicine, so I went to the store to get you guys some. It's on the counter, so go take some right now", lisa tells him.

Letting go of Lisa, Yoongi goes and gets the medicine that was on the counter. After getting a water bottle from the fridge and taking the medicine he asks, " dang, what time did you wake up?".

" five thirty", Lisa says nonchalantly.

Surprised with how early she got up Yoongi looks at Lisa with wide eyes,"Five thirty?! Why did you wake up that early for?".

After finishing with the dishes, Lisa dries her hands and turns to look at Yoongi, " It's hard to sleep with two men clinging on to you like if you're some teddy bear".

" Oops, my bad" he sheepishly replies.

Smiling warmly at the older male, Lisa shakes her head, " it's okay, you weren't that bad.. but hobi on the other hand, he was more clingy than usual".

" talking about me?", Hoseok asks while rubbing his temples.

After grabbing the medicine and a water bottle, Lisa walks up to Hoseok handing them to him, " good morning sunshine, I'm guessing you have a headache?".

" mhmm... remind me to never get drunk like that again", he replies after taking the medicine.

Chuckling at what her friend commented Lisa nods, " you got it chief".

" oh by the way, is there anything to eat? I'm hungry", he asks the younger girl while looking around for any sign of edible food.

" yeah, I actually made you guys some hang over soup", Lisa replies while pointing at the pot that was on the stove.

Thankful for the fact that his friend make them food, hoseok pulls her into a tight embrace, " omg you're seriously the best, you have no ideas how much I love you right now".

" yeah yeah, whatever... both of you go sit down that way we can eat", Lisa comments while trying to get out of hoseok's embrace.

Obeying lisa, both men make their way to the dining table and after a couple of minutes the three friends were soon eating and enjoying each others company.

Yoongi was having a good time with his friends, but he knew that he had to talk to Jennie and clear a few things up with her. However at the moment all he wanted to do is spend time with the two people who were there for him the night before.


January 6, 2019
Today, 5:02pm

Yoongi: Hey, may we meet up tomorrow at the cafe?
Read: 5:10pm

Jennie: what for?
Read: 5:11pm

Yoongi: I need to talk to you.
Read: 5:15pm

Jennie: about what?
Read: 5:16pm

Yoongi: about us.
Read: 5:21pm

Jennie: can't you just message me what ever it is that you need to tell me?
Read: 5:23pm

Yoongi: look, do you have time for me tomorrow yes or no?
Read: 5:27pm

Jennie: No, I have something going on tomorrow..
Read: 5:29pm

Yoongi: more important than me?
Read: 5:34pm

Jennie: can't you just tell me what you need to tell me through text? Its more convient for me that way.
Read: 5: 36pm

Yoongi: you know what jennie, this isn't working out. I'm tired of always being the only one to put effort into this relationship and from your actions I can tell that I'm not important to you at all.
Read: 5:45pm

Jennie: what are you trying to say?
Read: 5: 46pm

Yoongi: I'm breaking up with you Jennie. I feel like I need to let you go so that you can figure out what you really want because apparently it ain't me.

Yoongi: take care Jennie , I hope that in the future you find some that you can truly treasure.
Read: 5:57pm


3rd person's POV:

Both Lisa and Yoongi were currently on yoongi's bed watching a show on Netflix. However, when Lisa turned her head to the side she noticed that her friend was deep in thought while looking at his phone. Remembering about the events that happened the night before Lisa figured that the Yoongi's current state may have something to do with his girlfriend.

"Hey, yoongs are you okay?", Lisa asks the boy with concern lacing her voice.

After Hearing his name being called, he tears his attention away from his phone and quickly puts it away, "I'm sorry, what was that?".

Seeing that there was something clearly wrong with her friend she questions him again, " I asked if you were okay?".

If Yoongi was being honest, he was caught off guard with Lisa's question. But after seeing how concerned Lisa was, Yoongi responds to her while wrapping his arms around her waist and snuggles close to her, "As long as you're by my side, I'll be fine".

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