Ch. 7.2- "But can't she make some time for you as well?".

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Lisa's POV:

October 13, 2018

Walking out of the restaurant I turn to yoongi , " thank you for inviting me, I had a good time".
Smiling he replies, " I'm glad to hear that, I had a good time as well".

Waving I say, "I'll be leaving then, goodnight".
Without waiting for his reply I turn to leave, but before I can do so I hear him say, "wait, I'll walk you to your car".

Looking at him I respond, " I didn't bring my car, I decided to walk since I live close by".

"I could drop you off if you'd like?", he says while reaching into his pockets to pulling out his keys.

Not wanting to feel like a burden I shake my head, "thank you for the offer, but I prefer to walk".

Putting his keys back into his pocket he says,  "Okay, then may I at least walk you home?".

Feeling like he wasn't going to give up easily I answered him, "Umm, yeah sure".

Heading towards the direction of my house, we both stayed quiet while walking side by side.
"So how are things going on with you and Jennie?", I say breaking the awkward silence.

Sighing he says, " It's okay, I guess".

Curious as to what he meant by that I ask, " care to elaborate?".

" I don't know... we just don't really talk much since she's occupied with her career most of the time", he responded while glancing at me.

" okay, but what about when she's not working?", I say being a bit nosy at this point.

" then she's either resting or spending time with her family and friends", he says nonchalantly.

Not quite understanding that logic I reciprocate, " But can't she make some time for you as well?".

Shrugging he says, " it's not like we're dating or anything, so it's not her obligation".

Nodding I comment, "True true, but if she's interested in you like she says she is and wants to pursue a relationship with you in the future don't you think she should at least make some time to try and get to know you better?".

Not being done with getting my point across I continue, " even if you guys are only friends at the moment, if she's interested in building something more with you then she should at least make an effort as well... It should be 50/50, not you putting in all the effort".

With his head down he mumbles,   " Can we just change the subject? I don't want to talk about this anymore".

Taking the hint that I overstepped my boundaries I say to him, "yeah... I'm sorry for getting in your business, I won't overstep my boundaries next time".

Flashing me a sad smile  he looks at me and says, " don't worry about it".

Once we're in front of my house, I turn to face him, " thank you for walking me home".

Pulling me into a friendly hug he says ,"it's the least I can do, thank you for agreeing on  accompanying me today".

After we pulled apart , I shoot him a warm smile , " No problem, whenever you want to hang out just message me".

Nodding he says, "I'll probably take you up on your offer pretty soon".

Waving to him I comment, "I'll be waiting then, goodnight yoongs".


3rd person's POV:

Yoongi watched as Lisa opened her door and headed inside, but before she closed the door she smiled and waved to him one last time. Smiling at her gesture he turned around and walked back to where his car was. On the way home all he could think about was how much he enjoyed his time with Lisa.

I'm Yes she was a bit annoying and at times he questioned why he still continued to be friends with her, but that doesn't mean that he isn't grateful for their friendship. In fact Yoongi was glad to have meet someone like Lisa even if they meet by accident.

In all honestly, when Jennie cancelled on their friendly date he was a bit disappointed, but now part of him was glad because he was able to get to know Lisa a bit more. Not only that but when he talked with Lisa he didn't feel like he was bothering her. With Lisa everything felt natural and he felt like he could be himself around her.

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