Ch. 14-"the only one who has a place in my heart is you...".

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A/n: I just got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday and I'm in so much pain rn( and all I wanna do is sleep all day) , but I wanted to get this chapter out as soon as possible since some of y'all have been waiting on it for a couple of months now( BTW I'm sorry for making y'all wait and thank you very very much for patiently waiting on me 😭❤️🙏).  So, please excuse any grammar errors ( just act like if y'all don't see them).


3rd person's POV:
May 10, 2019

Yoongi was currently laying down in bed, bored out of his mind. It has been 4 months since he's been single and life was treating him good. These past four months yoongi was able to get to know himself better and realize his self-worth. He was also able to bond with his close friends who he didn't really get to hang out much with when he was dating Jennie.

However, out of all the friends that he had, there was still one who he had yet to see. Not only had it been four months since he broke up with Jennie, but it had also been four months since he had seen his close friend Lisa. And now that he was currently bored and alone did he decide to reach out to her once again hoping that she wasn't with namjoon like how she usually is.


May 10, 2019
Today 7:08pm

Yoongi: Come over?
Read: 7:11pm

Doll 💜: right now?
Read: 7:13pm

Yoongi: Yes, right now 🙄
Read 7:15pm

Doll 💜: I'm sorry, I can't right now 😭
Read: 7:18pm

Yoongi: Mmm, how come?
Read: 7:20pm

Doll 💜: I'm at namjoon's right now and I don't know how long I'll be here.

Doll 💜: But I'll head straight to your house afterward.
Read: 7:25pm

Today 8:00pm

Doll 💜: I told namjoon I had somewhere I needed to be, so I'll be at your house in a bit.
Read:  8:03pm

Yoongi: no need, just stay with namjoon.

Yoongi: I'm going to sleep in a bit, so don't bother.
Read: 8:05pm

Doll 💜: Aww sugar, don't be like that 😩

Doll 💜: Oops I meant Suga 

Doll 💜: plus I already told namjoon that I  have somewhere I need to be and I'm already in my car, so I'll see you in a bit 😏
Read: 8:08m

Yoongi: fine, I'll leave the door unlocked for you 😒
Read: 8:09pm


3rd person's POV:
March 10, 2019

After making her way to yoongi's front door, Lisa was about to knock until she remembered that he mentioned that he was going to leave it unlocked for her. Silently making her way through the dark house, she walks into yoongi's room only to find him asleep. Noticing that his blanket was kicked off the bed, she picks it up and covers him up properly. After tucking him in, she slightly bends down to kiss him on the forehead. Deciding that she should just head back home, Lisa turns to leave but is stopped by a hand on her wrist.

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