Ch. 8.2- "So stop thinking about it to much and just go to sleep."

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Lisa's POV:
October 20, 2018

Standing in front of Yoongi's door I was debating on whether to knock or not. I was pretty sure he was asleep by now, especially since it was already 8:40pm. Taking a deep breath I decided to stop stalling and knock on the door.

Waiting for what felt like forever, I hear the door open slightly and see a half asleep Yoongi pecking his head out a bit. Noticing that it was me he steps aside and opens the door for me to enter.

Entering his house I set the bags that I had on his coffe table and sat down on his couch getting comfortable.

Shooting me a questioning look he says, " what are you doing here? And how did you know where I live? Are you a stalker or something?".

Taking out my laptop and getting it set up, I answer without looking up at him, "What else does it look like I'm doing? I'm here to cheer you up and no I'm not a stalker. I asked hobi for your address, that's how I know where you live".

It wasn't until I felt him sit down next to me and place his head on my shoulder that I decided to look at him. Seeing that his eyes were fixated on my laptop screen I ask , "so what do you wanna watch on Netflix?".

Closing his eyes he wraps his arms around my waist and says, "can't we just sleep?."

Pouting I murmur," then what am I suppose to do with the lamb skewers and Soju?".

Opening his eyes he blesses me with his gummy smile and says, " did you just say lamb skewers and Soju?!".

Smiling back I nod my head and at my response he gets up and walks straight to the bags that were on the coffee table.

Glaring at me playfully he comments, " if it wasn't for the fact that I was half asleep when you came in, I probably would have noticed the smell of lamb skewers earlier".

Grabbing the bags he makes his way to the couch and replaces my laptop with the bags, placing them on my lap.

~~~time skipp~~~

I didn't know what time it was or how long it took us to finish the Soju and lamb skewers, but what I did know was that I was ready to go to sleep. I was currently sitting on the couch with Yoongi's head on my lap facing my abdomen, with his arms wrapped around my waist.

Seeing that Yoongi was probably asleep on my lap, I decided that It was time for me to go home. With my free hand I reached into my pocket and fished out my phone. Looking at the time, I see that I have 7 messages from my sunshine. Wanting to know what it was that he wanted, I open up the chat.

October 20, 2018
Today 9:45pm

My sunshine 🌞 💞: hey whenever you're done with Yoongi, do you wanna come over and have a sleep over?

My sunshine 🌞 💞: my queen, your humble peasant is really bored without  the presence of his queen 😭

My sunshine 🌞 💞: lisaaaaaaaaaaaaa

My sunshine 🌞💞: how long are you going to be with Yoongi? It's almost 10:30 and you still haven't looked at my messages.

My sunshine 🌞 💞: alright, Im going to stop bugging you since you're probably not gonna see my messages anytime soon 😭😒

My sunshine 🌞 💞: But if you wanna come over just use the spare key that I gave you.

My sunshine 🌞 💞: and if for some reason I fall asleep while waiting for you, DO NOT and I repeat Do NoT take embarrassing photos of me just so you can use them to blackmail me like you did last time 😑
Read 11:03pm

Laughing at the last message that he sent me, I didn't realize that Yoongi was awake until I felt him snatch my phone out of my hands; looking at it and probably reading the messages that hobi sent me. I then watch him type something on my phone and put my phone away in his pocket afterwards. Standing up he grabs my hand and leads me down the hall and into a cozy room.

Heading straight to his bed, he pulls me in with him. After pulling the cover up, he wraps his arms around me cuddling into me.

Trying to get out of his hold I ask, " what are you doing?".

With his eyes closed he replies , " going to sleep, what else does it look like I'm doing?!".

Not being content with his answer I continue to try and get out of his hold.

" let's just go to sleep it's late", he says while tightening his hold on me.

" I think it's better if I spend the night at Hoseok's house", I say while struggling to shrug him off of me.

Opening his eyes he gives me a questioning look, " and why is that? Why can't you just stay here?".

" I don't think Jennie would appreciate if I spend the night at your house, especially in your bed and right next to you", I answered him sincerely.

" first of all this is my house, so I decided who stays here and who doesn't. Secondly, Jennie and I aren't dating, in fact, we barley even talk. So as far as I'm concern I'm still a single man without any type of commitment towards anyone".

Sighing he continues, " plus it's not like me and you are messing around or anything for that matter. You and I are just friends, just like how I'm just friends with Jennie. The only difference is that Jennie and I feel some type of way towards one another. And what me and you have is just pure friendship... So stop thinking about it to much and just go to sleep."

Thinking about what he said, I turn to him and see that he's already fast asleep. Giving in I make myself comfortable and let sleep take over.

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