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Thursday 8th November

"I was thinking about Mila Kunis and Jennifer Lawrence last night." Is the first thing that Luke said to me as I walked up, yet again, empty handed.

"Keep this PG, please." I cover my eyes.

"Oh, god. No, not in that way!" He laughs, grabbing my wrists and pulling them off my eyes, "no, like, I was thinking how you look like Megan Fox and Katy Perry."


"That's a good thing, by the way." I laugh, nodding in thanks, "but yeah. You do look like a morph of both of them."

"Morph." I repeat, "that's a great word." He nods in agreement. I look out onto the street from the glass windows opposite the checkouts, "it's so dark."

"It's winter, isn't it supposed to be dark?" Luke asks, and I shrug. To be truthful, I actually prefer winter to summer. The girls at school don't understand why, because they all enjoy showing off their flawless bikini bodies. I, personally, enjoy covering up my body in oversized sweaters and leggings, which is why I'm glad it's already November, "it's because the days are shorter, right?"

"Yeah." I grin, "I like it and all except waking up to find that it's still dark out. That just makes me feel like a mole living underground." He laughs, nodding as he does so, "hey, Luke?"

"Yes, Gee?"

"D'you always work on the tills or do you stack the shelves too? Because whenever I'm here you're always on the tills."

"I stack the shelves too." He replies, "but that's normally after you've gone to school."


"Well maybe I should stack shelves then, if you're getting fed up of me being on the checkout." He mocks hurt, placing a hand on his chest for extra effect.

"Please don't." He smiles, "I like talking to you."

"You're too sweet, Gee."

"Like glacé cherries."

"Is that a thing now?" He asks, ruffling up his hair, "because it's seriously weird."

"On that note, I should probably go to school. See you, Luke."

"Bye, Gee." He grins, looking up at me through his glassy blue eyes.

Men's Socks - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now