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Tuesday 6th November

I walked over, empty handed except for the cupcake in my left hand. I had decided not to buy anything today -- I didn't even need anything. I just came to speak to Luke, and today to give him the cupcake I made yesterday.

They didn't actually taste that bad.

"Here's your cupcake." I hand it to him, where he waits patiently like a schoolboy. He looks at it eagerly and picks the cherry off and eats it straight away. I grimace, not even liking the look of them.

They're too sweet.

"They're good. I thought you said you couldn't cook?" Luke smiles, after taking a huge bite and getting white icing round his mouth, "these are actually really good. I believed you yesterday, Gee."

"So you like them?"

"Definitely!" He put up a thumbs-up sign, as if to back up what he said. He finished the small cake, "you not buying anything, today?" He asked shocked.

"No, I just came to give you the cake and talk to you. I didn't need anything." I reply looking at my fingers and scratching the remains of the black nail polish off my nails.

"You came to talk to me?" I nod, "you're too sweet."

"Like glacé cherries." I smile, "anyway, Luke. I have a question for you."

"Fire away." He licks the sticky icing from his fingers and looks at me expectantly.

"Why aren't you in school? I mean you look about my age, right?" I ask. I've been wanting to ask him this, and he's either really late every morning or doesn't go to school.

"I do go to school, but just for the afternoons. I wanted to drop out but my mum wouldn't let me. She's a maths teacher." He replies, "how old are you then?"

"I'm sixteen, and yourself?"


"Cool. So, uh I'm glad we had this talk." I mutter off, mumbling to myself and waving to Luke. I'd just made everything unnecessarily awkward, "see you tomorrow, Luke."

"You too, Gee." He laughs, rocking back in the chair.

Men's Socks - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now