Cell phone

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   Summer had finally hit New York, and you were stoked. Barbecues and bonfires, late nights on the back porch you made your cousin and his friends build. You had finally saved up enough to buy the inflatable fifteen foot pool you had been eyeing.
   After making sure that the ground was clear of rocks or twigs you laid out the trap and stretched out the plastic object of your excitement. You called your sister and told her of your excitement since no one was home to share it with you. She was driving up to see you and you wanted it ready for her when she arrived.
      You blew up the inflatable ring, and set the hose on full blast to fill it. Now it was just time to sit back and wait for it fill. You couldn't wait to see everyone's face when they got home from their mission. Hours passed by as you busied yourself in the garden your cousin helped you build on the property.
   See, you weren't an avenger, your cousin Clint was and had convinced Tony that he needed a grounds keeper, that's how you came to live at the compound months ago. In that time you made quick friends with Steve and Wanda, Bucky Though was your ever present companion, and the man that you had the biggest brush on.
    It was late in evening, the pool was filled and people were just getting home. You bounded inside the kitchen your excited energy bouncing off of you.
    "Steve! Come look, you too Wanda." You giggled, grabbing Steve by the wrist all but dragging the super soldier out.
    "Ta Da." You exclaimed, thrusting your arms out toward the pool, light reflecting off its cool surface.
    "You actually went out and bought it." Wanda laughed running over to survey it.
     "Yep, Where's Bucky, I want to show him?" You exclaimed.
     "Probably in his room." Steve replied shaking his head at you as you bounded away.
    You rushed through the compound almost knocking your cousin and Tony over in the process.
    "What's gotten into her?" Tony asked as you raced down the hall. "She's acting like a child."
    "She went out and bought a pool. Something she always wanted as kid but her parents couldn't afford." Clint replied, shaking his head as you turned the corner disappearing from view.
     "I could of had one installed." Tony scoffed.
     "This is different, she got it herself."
     "Bucky!" You pounded on his bedroom door. "Open up."
    The door opened, he was standing there in just a pair of basketball shorts, his hair hanging loosely.
     "What?" He laughed as you seized his metal wrist.
     "Come with me!" You shouted pulling him back the way you came.
     Just like Steve he let you drag him through the hall out the back door. You gestured to the pool, beam up at him.
    "You did it." He chuckled, looking from the pool to you. You nodded, and excited grin on your face. "And you put it up without any of our help."
     "Sure did." You stated triumphly.
      "Is that why you didn't answer my text?" He asked, you brows pinched together as you palmed the back of your pants.
     "Wait, where is my phone?" You asked out loud.
    You thought about where you had it last, you had been talking to your sister, and then you got to work on that pool. Your snapped over to the object of your desire with dread suddenly.
    "Bucky, do you mind calling my phone." You asked, already knowing the answer to where your phone went.
    He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed your number, when it rang both of you looked to the pool where the muffled sound came from. Slowly you looked over at him, biting your bottom lip.
    "Think you could lift the edge?" You asked, feeling incredibly stupid.
    "Doll, I'm strong but not that strong." He chuckled, ending the call.
    "Come on, can you at least try?" You pleaded, looking back to the shimmering surface of the pool. "Please?"
      "Let me get Steve, but you owe me." He replied walking away.
   Minutes later he came back with Steve who was clutching  his chest laughing hard. They walked over and placed their hands under the bottom edge. You walked over to them, refusing to make eye contact.
     "On the count of three," Bucky looked over at Steve. "One.. two.. three."
     They both pushed up, water sloshed over the rim, as you snaked your arm under wrapping your fingers around your phone. You pulled the item out and the two of them lowered it back down. Steve clapped you on your shoulder laughing again, though not as hard.
    "Next time, leave your phone on the deck kid." He walked off, still laughing.
    "Thank you." You replied meekly to Bucky. "What do I owe you?"
    "How about a date next Friday?" He asked smirking down at you.

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