Cabin in the woods

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15.) you know this isn't the first time I've been kidnapped, but usually I have more clothes on.
4.) I've been replaced, let's just remember that.
34.) What's the matter? - I'm having cramps, that's what the matter, my uterus hates me and I want to die.

You sat bound to a old wooden chair in the small single room cabin. It held very little, one table, the chair you were currently strapped to, and a single cot. At least the man that had kidnapped you had a fire going keeping you warm. You watched as he came in from the snow covered land outside, his eyes tracked over to you before turning to the table.
Since he caught you two days ago he hadn't said more then three words. You had been out wandering the woods, you had gotten lost from you group when you became tangled in a wire snare. Then he came, he snuck up behind you, while you were fighting with the wire placing a towel over your mouth and nose.
When you came to it was night and you were tied up to the chair. He had been standing in the corner, his arms crossed just staring at you. He stood that way for hours, just watching never moving.
The man dropped the rabbit on the table, making a hard thud as its frozen body hit the wood. He pulled the snub nose from his back, placing it on the table, those ice blue eyes never leaving you. Then he pulled the knives from his body, so many weapons, why would a man need so many? He always had an endless supply.
He turned almost robotically towards the sink, pulling the tether the animal was attached to. He was clad in a black jacket it clung to his body tightly, his black gloved hands went to work rendering his food. The man wore black pants that reminded you almost of cargoes with the amount of pockets they had.
"You know isn't the first time I've been kidnapped but usually I have more clothes on." You stated, trying to get him to talk to you.
In fact, when you were wandering the forest you did have more clothes on. He had to of stripped you while you were unconscious, when you woke up you demanded to know what happened. His response was simple, checking for weapons. Why he didn't just redress you was another story, and one he didn't oblige to tell you.
"I still don't understand, why do you keep me here." You asked, watching as he walked over and put the carcass on a rod before sticking it over the open flame of the fireplace.
His eyes flickered over to you and then back to the rabbit. The man's chocolate locks hanging down curtailing those chilly eyes. The sounds the fire piping and hissing as it burned.
"Safe." He stated, crouching as he turned the rabbit.
"Do you mean I'm safe here or you're safe cause you have me bound to a chair?" You asked, groaning slightly.
"Yes." He replied.
"Well aren't you the talkative one, I think we're at five words you've spoken in two days." You rolled your eyes sarcastically. He turned his eyes slightly to you, a small smirk playing on his face.
Slowly he rose to his feet, taking two large strides before dropping to a knee in front of you. Your eyes met his for a brief moment, this was the closest he had been since he brought you here. He had a couple days worth of scruff surrounding full lips. With a flick of his wrists he cut the ropes the bound your feet to the chair.
"Are you letting me go?" You asked as he walked around behind you, his fingers ghosted your shoulder before you felt him cut the ropes that bound your hands.
"No." He whispered in your ear softly before walking back over to the rabbit.
"Then why did you undo the ropes?" You watched him as he walked back to the table, the roasted rabbit in hand.
The man plucked up one his knives and cut meat off the bone, he placed some on a plate and walked over to you. You looked at the food and then back up at his face. Confused at his sudden care for you.
"Eat." He told you as you took the plate from him.
"Thank you?" You thought you heard him chuckle before he grabbed a small chunk of meat and sat on the cot. "Who are you?"
You watched as the man went rigid, and could of sworn you saw the look of confusion cross his face. His eyes swept the room before they land on you again. He sat quietly as if he was trying to think about the simple question.
"Bucky?" He shrugged before shoving the meat in his mouth.
"Bucky? That's an odd name." He nodded at your statement.
"Who are you?" He asked in a monotone voice.
"Y/n." You replied, place the plate on the floor.
"Why were you wandering the forest?" He asked, his gaze finally meeting yours.
"I was with a group of friends, or so I thought. We had planned this trip for months, my boy... my ex, wanted us have a vacation with our friends. Turns out that he was screwing my best friend." You sighed, slouching in the chair a bit. "So after I caught them I went for a walk and got lost."
"Do you want to go back?" He asked, eyes drifting to the floor.
In that moment he look lost, almost sad at the thought of you leaving. It's not like your friends would care, their laughter still ringing in your ears. You stood suddenly walking o er to the window and looked out as the snow continued to fall.
"I've been replaced, let's just remember that." You said sadly before turning to look at Bucky. "I think, for now, I'm fine"
"You're safe here." He said softly his eyes drifting up to you.
"Then can I have my clothes?" You smiled at him, he nodded.
Bucky stood walking over to the corner, he grabbed your clothes and walked over to you. He held them out you, as you reached out to grasp them your fingers touched his gloved hand. His eyes flickered up to meet yours, for a brief moment time seemed to stand still.
You could feel heat began flush up in your cheeks as the eye contact went on. Slowly the corner of his lips turned up on one side, grinning a boyish lopsided grin. His eyes dropped to the floor as he let go of the garment, rubbing the back of neck.
     "When was the other time?" He asked as went back to the cot and sat down.
      "What other time?" You asked dressing yourself quickly.
      "When you were kidnapped?" When you looked up his eyes were baring into you.
       "One of my ex's, not the lastest idiot, he was into to some bad stuff, got into it with some bad people. Anyway, they took me, thinking he'd crave." You shrugged walking back to the chair sitting down. "Plan backfired, I ended up befriending them, when they realized their plan wasn't going to work they let me go. I dumped him the next I saw him."
     He narrowed his eyes at you, jaw slacked.
      "I have bad luck with men, what can I say." You replied with a small smile.
      "It's late, you should sleep." He stated abruptly, standing motioning to the cot.
     You bit your bottom lip, you rose from your chair walking towards the cot. Bucky didn't make an attempt to move, your body was to close to him and you could feel the heat from his body coming off of him. You knew this man was a complete stranger and he did have you tied to a chair for two days but something made you feel safe with him. You gaze drifted back up his stoic face. His eyes were haunted, something about them screamed danger and fear.
    You laid down on the cot, Bucky reached down and pulled the blanket over you. You heard his heavy boots walk around for a bit before the door opened and shut leaving you to your thoughts.
     You woke the next morning, pain slowly ebbing through your abdomen. You curled into a ball trying to will away that all to familiar feeling. Of all times, now was the worst for your monthly friend. Another shot of pain waved through you stronger then before, and you whimpered.
    "What's the matter?" Bucky's rough voice came from behind you, a slight panic lacing his words.
    "I'm having cramps, that's what's the matter. My uterus hates me and I want to die." You cried out as another roll of pain raced through you.
     "What can I do?" He asked, placing a hesitant hand on your shoulder.
     "Do you have a heating pad?" You asked softly.
     Bucky shook his head but rose to his feet from his make shift bed on the floor. He filled a bottle of water with some heated the had been over the fire. He brought it to you, you took it, placing it over your abdomen.
     "You wouldn't happen to have pads or tampons would you?" 

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