Ain't she amazing

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How did I ever deserve someone like her? Bucky thought to himself as he watched you dancing in the kitchen while cleaning. Ear buds nestled deep into your ears. You skipping and bopping to only the sounds you could hear, lost in your own world.
When life became to much he came to you, as always you opened your door, or window as with last night, and you'd always greet him with your arms wide open. You never asked what was on his mind, what had caused him to seek you out. You were his oasis in the desert of his life, a soul saving miracle of human.
You had no idea the love he had for you, Bucky Barnes would move heaven and earth just to see your smile. He adored precious moments like this, where you were dressed down. Sleep shorts and a loose shirt, his shirt to be exact, your hair pulled back into a messy knot at the top of your head. Not a care in the world as you spun and glided across the kitchen floor like angel sent from heaven, one sent just for him.
He smiled as he heard you lightly singing to yourself, getting tongue tied at some of the faster lyrics. He smirked to himself as he heard you giggle to yourself, you turned and your eyes landed on him as he leaned himself against the entry way. Your face lifted at the sight of him.
You danced your way to him, still singing the lyrics to the song he couldn't here. Grabbing the former assassin by his hands, pulling him in with you. He moved his hips with yours as you kept dancing.
Bucky had no idea that you could never express the amount of love you had for him. He was your dark knight, the man with troubled past. You had heard of the things that he was forced to do, most people would of steered clear, but not you.
You knew you were done for the moment you locked eyes with those stormy blues late that night. It was in middle of a down pour, someone had knocked you over and stolen your things, but he had been there to help you. He looked so lost, like everything knew had been ripped away from him. You knew that look, you knew that feeling.
You asked him to coffee and from there it grew, the two of you spent so much time together it was hard to separate days. You wouldn't change a single thing about him, he was everything you didn't realize you needed.
He was strong and yet so gentle, he was independent and gave you the freedom you needed to be you. Bucky was an amazing listener for those days you needed to vent, he was someone who would tell you to knock it off when your were in the wrong.
You felt his lips grace the top over shoulder as you swayed with him the comfort of your kitchen, loving every second with him. No matter what brought him to you, no matter the time of day or dead of night you'd take him.
"I love you, doll." He whispered when he thought you couldn't hear him. You smiled to yourself, he couldn't bring himself to ever tell you outright. Like some kind of curse, if you'd hear then you would be ripped from him, you always played along. Knowing one day he would tell you to your face. Like wise when he was fast asleep you would whisper to him that you loved him too.
The life the two of you shared was an amazing one, one that the world would never take from either of you. Or the small one growing in you that you had yet to tell him about. Bucky knew though, he saw the test in the waste basket, his hands splayed across your stomach. His family, everything he need was in this kitchen.

Bucky/Sebastian one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now