Dont Move Your Hands

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46.) stick that tongue out at me one more time! - or you'll what?

     You lounged pool side with Wanda and Natasha flanking either side of you. Tunes were playing, and the grill was going, swimsuit on, you had a cold drink in one hand. Time to just sit back and relax, enjoy the beautiful weather. You had your eyes closed even though you had shades on. It was mid summer, and for once no body had missions, no one had reports to file. Just time to hang out with the threat of something looming over you.
    "What about the guy from accounting, he's single." Natasha sighed, shifting to get more comfortable in her chair.
    "Yeah, no thanks. He gives that I have dead people in my basement vibe." You replied casually, you knew better to argue once Nat had it her mind to probe you with questions. There was only two ways, the easy way, giving her what she wanted to know. Or the hard way, which still involved you giving her the information.
     "Your friends neighbor is kinda cute." Wanda said with a shrug. You felt your skin crawl at the mere suggestion, creep would sit there and leer at your butt when you went to visit her.
     "If you squint very hard after a long night of binge drinking." You retorted with a chuckle.
    "What are you girls talking about?" Sam chuckled shoving Natasha's feet over to sit down.
    Slowly you opened an eye, the object of your desire and reason why no man would ever catch your attention long enough was standing behind him. Over six feet of solid muscle and metal, chocolate locks that begged you to run your fingers through them and the bluest eyes you could get lost in. Bucky Barnes, sexy as he was sarcastic, you would never admit to anyone how attractive you found him. Him standing there just in his swim trunks was not helping.
    "Y/n's love life." Wanda quipped up, this time you rolled your eyes behind your sunglasses.
    "You mean lack of one?" Bucky smirked looking over at you.
   "At least I've one in the last seventy years." You smirked back at him, sticking your tongue out at him.
   "I've had plenty of dates." He smiled, as Sam looked over his shoulder towards the man behind him.
    "Your hand doesn't count Bucky, how many times do we have to go over this." You shot back playfully, Wanda giggled just to your right.
     "And you would know this.. how?"
     "My room is right next to yours, and considering the only groaning I've heard come from your room is in the morning when you are trying to get out of bed, I think it's safe to say you haven't gotten lucky in a while." You jested, sitting up.
     "You sure about that?"
     "Alright you two, that's enough." Sam chuckled standing and pushing the brunette away, towards Steve and Tony.
     "Couldn't resist could you?" Natasha asked while you watched the man walk away.
     "Well he did start it." You smiled over at her batting your lashes before leaning back against the back of the lounge chair.
      "What about him?" Wanda asked, you snapped your head in her direction.
     "What do you mean?" You asked, hoping you kept your voice level enough so the female assassin on your left curiosity didn't peek.
     "I mean, is he your type?" She asked raising her eyebrow at you. A small smile toyed on her lips, you didn't really have to answer, for all you knew the woman already knew.
     "Tall, dark, brooding type? No." You forced a smile at her one that told her to keep her mouth shut.
     You settled back in chair and watch the former Soviet assassin talk with Steve. You saw him smile followed moments later by a round of laughter. He glanced over to where you were sitting. You stuck your tongue out at him again just for the hell of it.
     "Stick that tongue out at me one more time!" He yelled a cross the pool at you.
     "Or you'll what?" You smirked watching as he narrow his eyes the corner of his mouth turning up. You did it again before resting back against the lounge chair closing yours eyes.
    It wasn't till you felt your body being lifted out of the chair did you realize he had walked over. You clutched hard around his neck, sun glasses falling off. Bucky's eyes met yours as he walked carrying you bridle style, smile on his face.
    It took two seconds for it to dawn on you what was going on. You gripped tight on to his neck and he went to release you above the cool water of the pool. You pulled Bucky in as you fell into the sharp cold water, hands and arms tangling for a moment as the two of you fought over who would surface face.
    "Bucky!" You shouted as you came up for air, his hands awkwardly on your breasts as he had attempted to pull you down before you came up.
     You spotted you swimsuit top floating on the water away from you, the contrast of cool metal one one side and warmth of his palm on the other. Your eyes went wide, looking down to see the only thing covering you from everyone else was Bucky's hands.
    "Bucky, whatever you do don't move your hands." You said, taking a couple deep breaths trying to formulate a plan on how to keep what was let of your dignity intact and get your top.
    "Buck, are you blushing?" Sam stated, laughing. Slowly you peered over your shoulder to see the slight pinking of his cheeks.
    "Sam, unlike you I was raised never to grope a woman." Bucky snapped back from behind you.
     "You saying in the last seventy years you've never held a chicks rack in your hands?" Natasha asked, holding her own laughter back. You looked to Steve for help who at this point had some manners and had turned away from you, though you could see he was slightly red in the face and was in fact laughing as well.
     "Seriously?" You glared over at them. "At least Steve has the decency to turn away."
     "Come on guys, give y/n and Bucky a moment so she get her top back." Steve finally spoke up, his words laced with laughter. You rolled your eyes, waiting for them to leave.
     "I honestly didn't mean for that to happen." Bucky told you hurriedly. Once no one was around you reached up and gently pulled Bucky's hands from your chest.
    "I know, it was partially my fault for dragging you down with me." You responded swimming over to your top and putting it back on. "Though next time you want to feel me up, just let me know."
    You climbed out of the pool leaving the stunned man as you walked back to your chair. The rest of the team filing back out, Wanda and Natasha joining you once again as Bucky pulled himself out of the pool. You giggled to yourself before you stuck your tongue back out at him yet again.

Bucky/Sebastian one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now