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9.) I'm going to keep you safe.
14.) Why did you spare me?
19.) calm down, you're scaring me.
Winter Soldier

     You ducked under the brush in the forest, the thunderous sound of heavy gunfire ricocheting off the high walled cliffs surrounding the thick trees. Your breaths coming out in heavy pants as your wide eyes wheeled around looking someplace to hide. Heart racing wildly, pumping adrenaline quickly through your veins.
    The intensity of the fire started to fade as you pulled yourself through the under brush, trying to stay as low as possible. Your hair tangling in the mess of thick thorny vines, ripping up your clothes, scratching your face. Go on a retreat with your boss and colleagues, it would be great they said, how wrong they were. The first two days, great, wonderful.
     Till the hike.
     You didn't even see who ever it was, all you knew was the sound of a gun firing. Then the rest of the people you were with start brandishing guns. You had to fight your way out, men closing in on your group, taking on men bigger then you. Fuck, all you were was an underpaid secretary. What the hell had you gotten yourself into this time?
    You stopped suddenly, holding your breath, heart beat pounding hard in your ears. The soft sound of a heavy foot crunching through the leaves. You bit down on your lips trying to will yourself not to cry. You heard the unmistakable sound of the click from a gun behind you. Slowly you turned your head, looking over your shoulder.
    You saw him, a mass of muscle clad in all black. His clothes tightly hugging his body, his eyes scanning the forest before him, cold haunted blue eyes. Dark hair hung loose framing his face, the lower half obscured by a black mask. He pivoted ever so slightly in your direction, silver catching the sun from an arm made entirely of metal. The sound of plates moving barely audible above your heart.
    His eyes finally landed on the under brush where you were hiding, his head tilted to the side. He took three large steps in your direction. You back petalled into the blackberry brush, thorns biting into your flesh. The man reached in with his left arm, cold metal wrapping around your arm, pulling sharply from the mess you had tangled yourself in.
     He dragged you thicker into the forest, making sure you walked ahead of him. He still held his gun in a position where he could easily use it if so choose to.
   "Left." The deep voice from behind you growled, you did as instructed, afraid of what he would do if you didn't.
    "Please, I don't know what's going. All I do is answer phones and take messages." You pleaded trying to hold your sobs at bay.
    He didn't respond, you saw a dimly lit shack a head of you. It wasn't till that moment you realized the sun had started to set. Your breath started to quicken the closer you got to the creepy looking building. You turned on your heel, and walked smack dab into him.
    His gun was holstered, and he had both his hands on your bare, torn up arms. You stared at one of the buckles on his jacket as your breath came out ragged, fear coursing through you. The smell of gun powder and sweet sweat enveloped you, you felt your body tremble in his strong rough grip.
    "Inside." The word was gravelly, and harsh.
    You body frozen in place, you brain had stopped. Trying to process how you got to this point, deep in the woods, no idea where you were with him. A killer, a highly trained killer at that. Roughly you were turned in your spot. He grasped the back of your shirt and pushed you to the shack, your wobbly legs trying to give out.
   He reached around you, shoving the wood door open before pushing you inside. It was dark in the shack, the lone embers of a fire slowly dying. He closed the door behind him and latched it at the top, locking you in. He walked around you, his heavy boots the only sound beside the occasional pop from the wood that was slowly burning out.
   The man walked over and tossed another chunk of wood in the open fire place. He walked over to the window and looked out, before closing a wooden shutter. He move methodically through, checking out another window and shutting it.
    "What are you going to do with me?" You asked, a tear slowly trailing down your face.
    "I'm going to keep you safe." He replied, pulling the mask off his face.
    It was the first time you had a good look at him. He was scruffy looking and rugged, his eyes met yours for a brief moment, as he licked his full lips. Before he looked away, quickly finding something to do.
    "Why did you spare me?" You asked  softly, not moving from your spot. Afraid that if you did he might snap, his body went rigid, his back to you.
    "You.. you remind me of someone." He slowly said, as if he wasn't sure.
    "Who?" You braved yourself to take step forward, the floor boards creeped under your weight.
    "I.." he looked over his shoulder at you, eyes narrowed. "Don't know."
    "How do you not know who I remind you of?" You asked, he turned his body, facing you. Hard cold eyes pinning you in place, his lips forming a thin line as he pressed them hard against each other.
    "I just don't." He replied curtly, walking back over to the fire.
     "Okay, Who are you?" You asked, the man stiffened again. The sound of the plates moving in his arms as he clenched his hand.
    "Dunno." He snapped, grabbing a stick from next the fire place, stirring it to get the fire to grow.
    "Why are you out here in the middle of no where?" You asked, the man stood suddenly, walking up quickly to you.
    Your heart jack hammered as you back up against the wall. He slammed both of his fists on either side of your head, his face inches from yours looking down at you. He towered over you, making you feel as small and helpless as you truly were compared to him. Isn't that he was just bigger then you, but you had caught sight of him fighting. The man was skilled.
    "Calm down, you're scaring me." You whispered, another tear streamed down your face.
    His features seemed to soften a bit, he eased himself away from you. A lost look coming over his face, you dared to take a step forward. He seemed so confused for the moment, the man looked around the room before returning his gaze to you. You repressed the urge to place your hand on his shoulder, something told you that would push the man over the edge.
    "Those men, they'll come looking for me. And if they find you here, they'll kill you." He stated, turning slightly away from you. "I'll take you somewhere safer tomorrow, tonight though we'll be fine."

Bucky/Sebastian one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now