Boredom Cupcakes

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42.) Why is there a knife through my wall?
46.) stick that tongue out at me one more time! - or you'll what?
3.) Yes, I've killed people, the question is would you like a cupcake?

Bucky walked into the apartment you two shared while under cover. The smell of chocolate wafting through the air hit his senses first, making his mouth water. His feet followed the smell to the kitchen, where the first thing he saw was a rather large kitchen knife sticking out of the wall. He raise an eyebrow, looking at you while you looked through the window in the shove door.
"Why is there a knife sticking out of my wall?" He asked, fully stepping in cautiously, never knowing what mood he would find you in these days.
He looked around at the mess you had created in attempt to alleviate your boredom. Bowls and dishes laid strewn about, flour and eggs haphazardly all over the floor and counters. You looked over at him from the stove, glancing over your shoulder at the utensil. You shrugged your replied, pulling the pan of cupcakes out as the time rang out.
"I was going a little stir crazy, okay." You stated out loud, a slight annoyance in your tone. "I was imagining Tony's face on the other side since the printer doesn't work. Cupcake?"
"Oh come on, like you've killed people." He laughed walking over to you.
"Yes, I've killed people, the question was would you like a cupcake?" You held up one of the few you managed to finish icing before he got back.
     "Did you poison them?" He ask skeptically, raising an eyebrow at you, tilting his head.
     "No, why would I do that?" You asked, shooting him a look. "If I was going to murder you I'd do it outright. Plus Tony is the one I'm annoyed with, making me pretend to be a stay at home wife."
    "Awe, come on, can't be that bad." He smirked grabbing one of the cupcakes, taking a large bite watching you with amusement.
    "Bucky, I'm about to rip my hair out, how the hell did women do this back in your time?" You asked, leaning forward on the counter taking a bite out of the cupcake you grabbed.
      "I don't know, it was their job?" He responded, you glared over at him.
    "It was their job?" You asked your voice falling flat, daring him to say the wrong thing.
    Bucky looked over at you and smirked, knowing just how to push your buttons. The two of you had been fake married for two months now, going under cover as man and wife to get information from some rather dull people. You'd think they would of recognized Bucky's giant metal arm but no, they were as stupid as they came.
    "Yep, stay at home, keep the house clean, have dinner done by the time their husband comes homes from a long day at work." He leaned forward grinning, he could see you were just this side of fuming. "Hell, doll, you're half way there."
     You jumped over the counter, cupcakes flying in all directions. You threw your first punch, Bucky ducked under with ease. You spun on your heel extending your leg, aiming it at his head. Bucky grabbed you by the ankle and pushed your leg up in a quick swift move.
    You hit the ground and rolled back, popping back up to your feet lunging at him yet again. He stepped to the side and allowed you to rush past him, he let out an amused sigh. You spun to face him, glaring daggers at in his direction.
     "All you need to be is bare foot, with a baby on the way." He smirked, you struck out at him, seething at his comment.
   Bucky blocked with ease, he grabbed you by your wrist and spun you to face out away from him. Harshly he pulled you back, wrapping his metal arm around you. He held your back pressed against his chest, you stomped down, Bucky sensed your movement and moved his foot out of the way. You could hear him chuckle under his breath which just infuriated you even further. You took a deep breath and you bent your knees sharply, Bucky bending with you.
    Standing suddenly, kicking your legs out as you pressed you back against the man giving yourself the leverage you need to snap your torso forward as you fell to you knees. You flung him over your back, sending him flying into the couch. He spun quickly to avoid your well aimed kicked to the back of his head.
     He swiped out with his own foot, knocking you back to the ground. Rolling to your side, pushing yourself back to your feet, your chest heaving with each breath you took. Bucky watched you as he stood up, that god damn smirk still on his face and that mischievous twinkled in his eye. He held his hands loosely at his sides waiting for your next move. You pretend to throw a punch with your right fist, he acted like he went to block it.
     As you brought up your left to hit him, he grabbed your wrist, and pulled your sharply into his chest. A smile toyed his face as he looked down at you his bright blue eyes meeting yours.
    "Still bored, y/n?" He asked in a low tone.
    "Yeah, it's like fighting a dinosaur." You smirked back, Bucky laughed pushing you away lightly.
     "Just remember this dinosaur just kicked your ass." He remarked playfully. You stuck your tongue out at him in response. "Stick that tongue out at me one time!"
    "Or you'll what?" You shot back, putting your hands on your hips, pursing your lips together with amusement.
     "Or I'll put it to better use." He quipped back, his eyes daring you to call his bluff.
     You stared him down for a moment, gathering your wits about you. Then slowly, you stuck your tongue back out him, he growled a bit as he took to swift steps. Bucky pulled you back into him roughly, his lips meeting yours. His tongue swept over your bottom lip and you open your mouth allowing him access. His grip on your waist tighten before he pulled back, his eyes looking down into yours.
     "You know, I wasn't big on the women in the forties, I much rather have a feisty one like you instead. A woman who can handle herself on the field and put up with my ass any day." He grinned before letting you go.

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