Morning Breaks

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You awoke with a start as you heard yelling a ways away. You jumped out of bed and lightly hit the floor without a sound. You got dressed and pushed a strand of hair out of your face. Looking out the window, you saw Cora and the others beginning to leave.

You rolled your eyes at the false alarm, but got ready for your day. You walked outside munching on an apple. It would most likely be the only thing you ate that day. Not that you meant to you just always forgot.

You grabbed your bag and went to leave but hamegg caught your shoulder. You hissed in pain and pulled away. Hamegg stared at you worriedly, but you only tested your shoulder and smiled back nervously. They must've twisted your arm more than you thought.

"No fights today." Hamegg sounded more like he was begging than telling you. You could really only smile reassuringly then leave. You were walking around the robotic graveyard looking for parts. You knew it was a stretch but it was A better  plan than being in pirate territory.

Suddenly you heard someone call your name. You jolted going into one of your many fighting stances but relaxed upon seeing Astro, cora, the twins, and Zane. Cora was smiling at you and Astro was looking at you oddly.

You smiled and waved back and just then you saw Astro's eyes land on the picnic robot.

"Hey I think I found something!" Astro called excitedly running in that direction.

"That thing has been dead for hundreds of years. We used to have picnics in it's head! What are ya gonna do? Carry it in your backpack?" Cora called sarcastically. Astro didn't seem to listen as he probably wanted to inspect the robot.

You only shrugged and went on looking for parts. You were only looking for a minute when you felt the ground shake. Flipping around you saw the picnic robot stand up. Your jaw fell slightly as the picnic robot offered to carry the kids home. You blinked in shock as the robot reached for you.But you recovered and dodged the outstretched hand.

"I'll work on getting dinner." You explained as they all looked at you confusedly.

"Have it your way." Cora called as the robot straightened. "No fights!" Cora called in a warning.

"I'll try." You called back waving goodbye to the robot as it walked in the opposite direction.

You had only walked away for a few seconds before you heard a clatter behind you. Thinking it was trashcan you turned only to see two boys walking behind you.

"Oh no." You mumbled walking backwards suddenly your back hit someone's chest.

"Hey kid." You jolted at the voice then flipped around to face the it.

"Todd I don't want any trouble." You said walking backwards with a threatening tone.

"What a coincidence." Todd responded grabbing your wrist and pulling you back against his chest.

"Neither do we. Just got a couple questions." You ripped away.

"Don't touch me! And take your questions somewhere else, what I know is none of your business." The boys behind you grabbed your arms and held you still as Todd hummed.

"Fiesty today aren't we?"  He asked walking around you.

"How bout you call off your goons and I show you fiesty." You growled, then you remembered hamegg's orders.

"Tempting but we're here on business." Todd said with a smirk.

"Look, just let me go. I don't have anything you want." You said trying to find a position where their grips on your arms didn't hurt.

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