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Astro seemed to tense at the name and you froze.  It had been so long since you'd said the name you'd almost forgotten. The boy looked identical to astro. Memories flooded back and realization smacked you like a semi truck.

That's why you felt a connection. That's why you fell for his expressions. That's why you couldn't get enough of his eyes.

Astro stared at you dumbfounded and almost looked like he was panicking. You frowned and tilted your head.

"Astro. You look like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong?"

Astro only stared at you for a few seconds. Before shrugging kinda quickly with a nervous laugh.

"No just lost in thought. Uh you kinda froze up there is something wrong with you?" He retorted checking on you. You smiled and nodded.

"Yeah you two are identical. Now that I think about it. Can't believe I didn't see it till now."

"Heh yeah... Uh cool." Astro responded almost sadly.

"But you're different." You added lightly. Astro muttered something under his breath which you didn't quite catch but it sounded something like, 'Tell me about it'.

"I'm glad you are." You said truthfully.  Astro looked at you shocked and almost relieved. "You're honest and I can trust you. Toby had a way of lying to me if he didn't want me to get hurt. Which was sweet, but did more damage than good. You don't do that." You said. "And that's important to me." A look of guilt came onto astro for a second.

"Hey I-i need to tell you something." He said looking away. "I'm a- a-." He cut himself off and huffed almost agitatedly.

"A what?" You asked gently.

"Uh really starting to like it here with you-" his eyes darted away for a second before refocusing on yours. "Y-you guys." He corrected.

"Well we really like you too astro." You reassured him.

He seemed to be kicking himself for something but you couldn't really concentrate on what. Your side hurt and right now you were losing energy.

"Hey astro?" You questioned. The question was mostly to distract yourself but it seemed to do the trick for him too. "Did ya know him?"

Astro tensed again and you rose a brow. Man this kid was weird. But you liked him and you were strange in your own way so you held no personal judgement.

You waited for a few seconds to allow him to think. Maybe the question had been too abrupt? Suddenly astro sighed.

"Well, no I didn't know him personally. But I know who you're talking about. And there's something you should know."

That statement made you frown. And you looked at astro with a tilted gaze. Waiting for him to continue. Astro looked like he was about to speak but seemed to reconsider for a second.

"Well?" You pushed lightly. Astro's gaze locked onto yours.

"He's uh a nice guy." You blinked. That was certainly anticlimactic.

"Yeah I think so too." You said quietly. Astro seemed to relax next to you. With a content smile. Which turned into a slight smirk.

"So why did ya like Toby?" He asked watching you turn red at the cheeks.

"Uh." You uttered trying to piece together your thoughts. "Well he had these amazing eyes-" you began glancing back at astro. " He hair was really unique-" You tapped Astro's head lightly causing him to chuckle softly. "And he saved me." Astro gave you a confused look.

"He did?"

"Yeah." You muttered fondly looking back at your hands now folded in your lap. "He saved me from self loathing. And for that I'll always be grateful." Suddenly a light hearted laugh escaped your lips. "And who knows? Maybe when we are older we'll meet again someday and be friends again."

Astro's eyes seemed to lose a little of their light and his smile faded into a much more forced one.

"Yeah. Someday."

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