Meeting His Dad...Kinda

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You watched sadly as your uncle shoved Astro into a lab.

"Unplug 'em. It's a matter of national security." He said. You caught your uncle's arm.

"Couldn't we just go back to the fights. I could try harder this time. And you wouldn't have to work or anything." You prayed that he'd drop this thing if you just cooperated and possibly let Astro go.

"(Y/n) no." Astro whispered quietly turning back to face you slightly.

"We'll talk later sweet heart." Your uncle said roughly shoving you back into one of the guards.

"Tenma now!" He ordered losing his patience. Your eyes widened in shock. Wait Tenma? But that was Toby's dad. Your eyes shot up and sure enough Tenma stood staring at you with the same look of shock.

"Let me talk to him first." A white haired man said bravely walking forward.

Astro's eyes went up and met the man's and he smiled sadly.

"Hello Dr. Elfun." He said gently and for some reason your heart melted. Your remembered suddenly when Toby had helped you.

You sniffled as you picked up the fallen books surrounding you as their insults swam in your head.

"Ugly, freak, wannabe, crybaby, witch, loser." They all hurt so badly. Were they honestly still angry about that incident before? They had started it anyways.

Your sniffles turned to a gasp when your hand landed on someone else's as you were reaching for your fourth degree calculus book.

"Hey are you ok?" You pulled your hand away and wiped at the tears drying on your cheeks.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine. If I could just-" You were about to ask when he offered the book.

"Don't worry you don't gotta be afraid of me. Hey my name's Toby. What's yours?" You let a small laugh pass through your lips.

"(Y/n)." Toby smiled at the name.

"Well (y/n) I don't think you're gonna have to worry about those girls anymore." He said with a reassuring smirk.

You were recalled to reality when the Dr. Elfun spoke again.

"Hello Toby."

"Toby." Astro breathed with a small smile. "No one's called me that for a while."

Your heart stopped. When a question struck you. Why would Tenma build a robot that looked exactly like Toby and call it Toby? Your heart started to sink the more answers that your brain began to come up with.

"W-wait. T-toby?" You asked shakily. All heads turned to you. "B-but wait where's-" you couldn't bare to finish as the Dr. gave you a worried look. Tenma's face was full of shame pity. And Astro. Well Astro's face tore you apart.

It was a mix of panic, worry, and an unsaid apology. While the Dr. cleared his throat to get your attention before softly speaking.

"He passed away dear." A gasped passed through your lips as reality set in and you started to tremble and tears streaked down your cheeks. Your eyes fell to the ground as you covered your mouth with a hand and shut your eyes allowing the tears to fall.

"Yeah, yeah we don't have all day!" Your uncle urged and The Dr. held up a hand.

"One more minute." He looked back at Astro. "This isn't your fault you know, your fantastic, first class, absolutely superb, wonderful." Astro looked away with a small smile.

"Thank you, ya- ya know I tried to find my place in the world I-I- I thought I found it... But I guess fitting in can be a lot more complicated than it seems huh?" He asked with a nervous smile.

"Dear boy if you only knew." Elfun said sincerly.

"I think maybe this is what's supposed to happen. This is my destiny." Elfun smiled somewhat proudly. And then your uncle scoffed.

"Uh boo hoo hoo. It's a machine." Suddenly you tensed realizing something. Astro was the only one who was able to help you. And truly make you happy. Since the night you ran away he was the only happiness in your life.

And you were about to lose it. That light that came from him. You couldn't lose that. Not now. Not again. Panic rose in your chest but this time you allowed it. Your uncle went too far. What's to say you couldn't play his game?

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