Chapter Nine: The Village in the Hills

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      We trekked for miles and miles. We travelled up and down hills, through dense forests and deep valleys, through ice cold streams and shallow watersheds. It felt as if I had travelled the entire world, although it had only been a day by now.

       We had stopped and rested by a small river between in a shallow valley in these mountains last night. It wasn't the most amazing sleep I had ever had, but it was a nice break nevertheless.

       Neither Phil or I had really spoken since he kissed me. Honestly, the thought of it hadn't really left my mind since then either. I could still faintly feel the tingling sensation on my lips, though that could just be the frostbite setting in. I am too invested in this journey to care. I just want to survive to see the next day.

       All of a sudden Phil stops. I nearly run into him, but I snap back into reality just in time to halt myself. He turns on his heels and looks at me.

       "If I can remember correctly, there should be a small village on the other side of this mountain," he says. He turned back around as he spoke and pointed up at the large land mass ahead. I follow his finger up into the clouds that are blocking our view of the peak. I shudder at the thought of having to climb that thing. Is he mental? It's not like we have any gear to scale any mountain.

       He must have noticed my sudden fear-stained features because he set his pale hand on my freezing shoulder. He speaks softly, "I'm not saying we have to climb that mountain, Dan. There is a small pass just down from here that leads to the other side. We'll take that route."

       I involuntarily sigh a breath of relief. He sighs and patted my shoulder, then turns back to the path ahead. "Let's get moving then."

       I follow along like a lost puppy behind the man-creature thing for the next several miles as we make our way along the base of the mountain range to the left of us. I peer up at the mountains from time to time, admiring how they were able to just look over everything we saw as obstacles. Their beauty and majesty overwhelm me to the point I am almost in tears. I spent so much of my time behind a screen that I was never really able to truly appreciate the natural beauty of our planet. Not to mention I am seeing just a small part of it. There is so much more to discover.

       Within a couple hours, we reach the entrance to the pass. It was lightly snowing at this point, and the temperature had dropped a few degrees. I am shivering, but Phil seemed to be unbothered...lucky bastard.

       Phil stops and turns to me, then looks back up to the mountains on each side of the pass. The mountains completely shadow the pass, giving it its lack of life. By that, I mean it is completely barren — no trees, no bushes, no wildlife. There is nothing but a dimly lit valley about 40 feet wide with a few scattered rocks and boulders here and there. It is a bit unsettling, as we had been surrounded by flora and fauna since we began this journey. However, it's the only way to get around the mountains without having to climb them, so I have to just suck it up.

       My thoughts were soon interrupted by a familiar voice. "What are you thinking?"

       I look back to Phil, who is staring at me with curious eyes. He is leaning on his right leg, right hand on right hip. I smile slightly.

       "Just taking in the view, I guess," I replies. He chuckles. I scoff. "What's so funny?"

       "That just doesn't sound like you. I figured you'd just have something to complain about. I'm proud," he says boldly. I shove him and he falls back into the snow, but before he went down he managed to grab my shirt and drag me down with him. I gasp as we hit the ground, me landing on his chest.

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