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Jamie's POV:  

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Jamie's POV:  

I just finished my last tour of the day with a felony arrest. I thought I would be done with work by now but now I have to fill out paper work. Go figure, right.

"Hey Jamie are you ready to go?" I looked over my shoulder to see who was talking to me and it turned out to be Eddie my partner.

"No, I have to fill out this paper work but I can meet you for a drink later at the usual bar." I told Eddie, I knew she was going to ask if I wanted to go out for drinks we always do after a night tour.

I finshed up my paper work and headed to my car a gift I inherited from my older brother Joe. Joe died, he got shot in the line of duty he was a NYPD officer  just like I am. I climbed in started the car and headed towards the bar to meet with Eddie. I finally got to the bar and headed inside to look for her. I finally spoted her sitting at the bar. 

"Hey" I said sitting down next to her waving the bartender over. I ordered two beers one for myself and one for Eddie since it looked like her's was almost gone.

"Hey Cub Scout!" I love it when she calls me that. I've always had feelings for her ever since she introduced herself as my new partner 2 years ago.

~2 Hours Later~

We stumbled out of the bar and I started to walk Eddie back to her place. We were a block away and we were rambling on about  what went down at the bar. We finally got to the steps of her building .

"Well this is me huh." she said quite but just loud enough for me to hear.

"Yea" I was about to turn around to walk away but instead I turned and kissed her. I intertwined my fingers behind her back and she grabbed the back of my neck pulling me in closer to her. We finally pulled apart. 

" Well see you later Reagan" she said smilling while walking up the stairs to her apartment.

I didn't say anything I just turned to head home with a half smile creeping across my face. 

I was on my way home when I spotted a women gunned down by a 6 foot man wearing a green shirt  and jean shorts. 

"Empty your pockets." The man had the women pushed up against a brick wall.

"Now!" The women now crying started emptying her pockets into the man's hand.

I puled out my badge and off duty weapon.

"Police Don't Move! Drop the weapon and get your  hands where I can see them" I had my gun pointed ready to pull the trigger. When the man changed the target from the women to me. I fired off two rounds. He was down and I moved in.

I slid the gun away with my foot and pulled my phone out and dialed 911.

"911 What's your emergency?" 

" This is Jamie Reagan I'm an off duty police officer badge number 60528 I need a bus forth width to the corner of 6th and 12th. Male approximately 6 foot." I described to the operator.

"Ma'ma you need to stay back." I turned and moved her away from the scene and wait for the ambulance and other officers to arrive on scene.

They finally arrive and I give them my statement. After an hour of talking to the detectives and giving them my statement. I finally got home after a long and tiring day. I opened my apartment door, went into the bedroom and changed. I laid down and turned on the tv and went to sleep.

Hey! I'm Mackenzie Sorry about the first chapter being so short but I wanted to get the book out there. I'm looking for ideas from others to help the book along. If you have any ideas or something needs to be added let me know and I will take them into consideration. 

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