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Jamie's POV

I heard Jenna get up for work as she does everyday and usually I just go back to sleep but instead I get up to make coffee. I look over at my nightstand and see my phone light up with the Sarge's ID and I answer.

Jamie: Hello

Sarge: Hey Jamie I tried calling Eddie's cell but it went straight to voicemail so could you let her know that the department is giving her a week off to recover. 

Jamie: Uh yea sure I'll let her know, thanks Sarge.

Sarge: Sure thing

I throw some clothes on and headed out into the living room. I smell the warmth of food coming from the kitchen.

Jamie: Hey Jenna. Smells good.

Jenna: Hey I'm just about to head to work but there's pancakes and  bacon on the counter.

Jamie: Okay thanks. I'm going to head to work myself.

Jenna: Don't forget to wake Eddie up.

Jamie: About that...

Jenna: What did you do? 

She gave me the look the same look she gave me when I said I wanted to become a cop instead of an attorney. 

Jamie: I didn't do anything, Sarge called just a couple of minutes ago and told me that the department is giving Eddie a week off to recover. 

Jenna: Well that's good I guess.

Jamie: The only good part is that she will get better. The hard part is telling her she can't go back to work.

Jenna: Yea I guess your right Eddie does love her job.

Jamie: Yea tell me about it your not the one who has to ride with her everyday.

Jenna looks down at her watch and grabs Elli's  leash and vest off the hook next to the door. 

Jenna: I'm sorry but we have to go I don't want to be late. 

Jamie: No go your fine just drive safe.

Jenna: Can do. Elli lets go. 

She opens the door and puts Elli's leash and vest on, heading out the door.

Jenna: See you later.

Jamie: See ya.

I shut the door and head back into the living room to see Eddie on the couch eating breakfast with a blanket pulled acrossed her lap. 

Eddie: Are you almost ready to go?

Jamie: Yea about that... Sarge called me this morning to let me know the department was taking you off duty for a weak so you can heal up. He said he tried your cell but it wouldn't go through so he called me.

Eddie: My phone died last night and I didn't have a charger. But I don't know why they took me off duty I'm fine to be able to go to work.

Jamie: Eddie you were just shot yesterday afternoon you have to at least have time to heal before your back on the job. Just think at least you only got a week off they could have made it two weeks o even a month.

Eddie: Yea I guess your right, thanks Reagan

Jamie: Alright I have to get to work, but your welcome to stay as long as you want but if you leave just lock the door behind you. Oh, and here's a key to get back in.

I take my keys out of my pocket and pull my house key off the ring handing it to Eddie. I grabbed my bag and opened the door. 

Jamie: Well I'll see you later, okay

Eddie: Yea and thanks for the key.

I headed out the door shutting it behind.

I hoped you liked the chapter I know it's kind of bland but sometimes that what a story needs before things get intense.(Hint Hint) Stay tuned for tomorrows upload. ~ M3

*592 words*

Working on chapter 6 now. It should be up by the end of the day.

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