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Jenna's POV

Recap: He got down on one knee and said...

Anthony: Jenna I know we haven't known each other for every long but with this ring I give you my heart, And I promise that you will never be alone.  Will you accept this ring that I promise to you?

Jenna: Yes 

I stand and Anthony  puts the ring on my finger. He then stands and wraps his arms around me and we kiss. Everyone in the restaurant starts clapping, shouting, and some even whistle. We pull apart and Anthony throws some cash on the table. We head outside and walked along the shore. 

Anthony: So do you like the ring?

Jenna: Yes, it's beautiful

Anthony: I'm glad you like it I went to 3 different stores to find the perfect one for the perfect girl.

Jenna: Aww Anthony 

We walked on the shore for about an hour when we get to his car. We both climbed in and headed back towards my apartment. We finally arrive and Anthony walks up me up to my door.

Jenna: Thanks for an amazing night Anthony

Anthony: No problem I had a great time

Jenna: Me too

Anthony bent down and kissed me and I kissed back. We heard the door open and both pulled away to see Jamie standing in the doorway.

Jenna: Jamie I...I can explain

Jamie: Jenna you don't have to explain anything. I'm not dad, but if I was I would say that I'm happy for you and to be careful. 

Jenna: Thanks Jamie. Oh and this is Anthony my boyfriend, Anthony this is Jamie my twin.

They both shake hands and I start to talk but am cut off by Jamie.

Jamie: I just want to let you know that if you hurt my little sister things between you and I aren't going to be pretty.

Anthony: I would never I made a promise.

Anthony grabs my hand intertwining our fingers. That's when Jamie noticed the ring.

Jamie's POV

Anthony grabbed Jenna's hand and they intertwined their fingers and that's when I realized what they were talking about. Jenna had a ring wrapped around her finger. She got in engaged and didn't even tell her own brother she was seeing someone long enough for them to be engaged.

Jamie: Are you guys engaged!?!?

Jenna: No, what are you talking about Jamie?

Jamie: The ring.

I point to there hands still intertwined. I can feel my face getting hot and start to clench my fists.

Jenna: Jamie it's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring. Anthony gave it to me to show how much he truly loves and cares for me. 

Jamie: Is this true? 

Anthony: Yes, I know we have never met before but I do really care about your sister. She is my everything.

They both walked inside  shutting the door behind them. I started to realize that I was over reacting and that I just needed to calm down. If Jenna ever got hurt I will always be there for her. She's old enough now to make her own decisions and I have to deal with that. I started heading out towards my car because I had a night shift to work. 

Thanks so much for almost 400 reads. And a special thanks to @BlueBlood_Reagan for some ideas! Don't forget to hit that Follow button so you can get updates on when a new chapter is up. And keep writing because your stories will only get better and so will your imagination. ~M3

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