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* 1 Week Later*

Jenna's POV

Jenna: "Police! Stop!" 

*Bark Bark*

The perp was on the move still. I held on to Elli's leash tight as she's pulling and barking. We are now half way through a field that hasn't been mowed in ages.  I finally had enough chasing the guy so I called it in.

To Radio: Perp is still fleeing I'm releasing K9 now.

I stopped and unclipped the leash from Elli's K9 vest. She took of into the field her bell ringing as she runs. A couple of minutes later I could hear her bell of in the distance and a man yelling.

Man:  "I give up! I give up! Help!

I rush over to where I believe the man is. I finally see Elli holding on to the prep by the leg.  As soon as I approach the man I turn him onto his stomach and pull his hands behind his back. Elli let go and sat next to me while I pulled out cuffs. I got the cuffs on and stood him up.

Perp: Why did you let the dog go on me I was going to stop.

Jenna: Well maybe you should have stopped when you heard officers shouting and chasing you.

Elli was now walking along side me as we walked back to where my squad was parked. Other officers came towards us and took the perp so he could have his rights read to him. I turned and knelt down to face Elli.

Jenna: Good girl Elli! Good girl!

I stood up and pulled her favorite ball from my belt. She was excites and started jumping and spinning in circles. I threw the ball and she took off after it. When she came back with the ball it was already time to load up. I opened the back door to my SUV. 

Jenna: Elli Load up.

She jumped in the car and I did the same. We headed back to precinct because our shift was almost done and I have already maxed out my overtime.

*Back at the Apartment*

Elli and I were lying on the couch when I heard the door open and keys being thrown onto the counter. 

Jenna: Jamie is that you?

Jamie: Yea sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't think anyone was home.

Jenna: Yea I already maxed out my over time and I was tired of chasing people today.

Jamie: Tell me about it. It feels like that's all perps want to do these days.

Jenna: I know the guy I chased today thought he could rob a jewelry store and drive 8 blocks away to hide in a field that was over grown with grass and weeds. Then still decided to run when we spotted him the first time in the grass.

Jamie: Wow I guess I won't complain about my day because yours was way worse.

Janna: Oh Jamie come on you know I always want to hear about your time on the job. Your my big brother and I look up to you just tell me.

Jamie: Fine. Eddie and I were just doing patrol like always and Eddie started to write a ticket for a car that was parked in a no parking zone. We turned around to see a young kid get startled by seeing us I guess and dropped 5 pounds of weed on the sidewalk in front of us. He took off of course and we followed grabbing the bag. We chased him 2 blocks before he ran into the street without looking both ways and got hit by a taxi. 

Jenna: You are such a liar. Your day was way more exciting then mine. 

Jamie: Not really

Jenna: You had a kid drop 5 pounds of weed right in front of you and you weren't even there for the weed in the first place.

Jamie: I wouldn't call it exciting more like money being handed to me.

Jenna: I'll say

I got up to start dinner but didn't know what to make. Jamie just headed into his bedroom most likely to rearrange his bag for tomorrows morning shift. I decided to feed Elli and look through the cookbook we kept on the counter by the microwave.  Today is the day I want to tell Jamie that I have been seeing somebody for the past few years and today is when I wanted them to meet and get Jamie's opinion on him.

Jenna: Hey Jamie what do you want for dinner?

Jamie finally came out of his bedroom with nice fancy clothes on.

Jamie: Sorry lil sis I can't stay for dinner tonight I have plans.

Jenna: Oh okay do you know  when you will be back?

Jamie: Not sure but  I will talk to later though.

Jenna: Can we talk now...

Jamie: Can't it wait I have plans.

Jenna: Yea sure

I heard Jamie open the front door and I ran to my room and slammed my door shut, locking it behind me. I could hear the door then shut and Jamie's foot steeps creek across the hardwood floors. 

Jamie: Jenna whats wrong?

Jenna: Nothing just go away!

Jamie: Fine I'm not going to sit here and argue with you. When you want to talk you know where to find me.

Hey guys sorry for not uploading  I have had alot going on lately. Hope you guys like it and I will try to post more often. ~ ME over and out 

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