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I'm back!!  I am super sorry for not updating in a long time I just have had alot going on. I hope you guys like this chapter!

Jamie's POV

I just finished my night shift and was on my way home. I was just about to pull in the parking garage when Eddie called.  I answered and took a sip of my  left over coffee.

Eddie: Hey Reagan

Jamie: Hi Eddie. Didn't I just talk to you 20 minutes ago? 

Eddie: Yea, I was jus...

Jamie: I'm messing with you, what's up?

Eddie: I was going to ask if you want to hang out at the bar. 

Jamie: Sure, can I meet you in like an hour? I have to check on Jenna.

Eddie: Jamie Jenna is old enough to take care of herself and besides she's got Elli by her side all the time. 

Jamie: And a boyfriend (Mumbling)

Eddie: What was that I couldn't hear you.

Jamie: Jenna's got a boyfriend

Eddie: when did that happen?

I explained to Eddie about the whole Anthony thing. I was now sitting in my car inside the parking garage finishing my coffee that was now starting to get cold.

Eddie: Wow 

Jamie: They have been going out for over 3 years and I was dumb enough to not notice.

Eddie: Meet me at the bar so we can talk about this more face to face?

Jamie: Yea sure I just got home let me change out of my uniform and then I'll head over.

Eddie: Okay I'll see you in a little bit 

Jamie: Bye

Eddie: Bye

I hung up the phone and walked into the apartment complex. When I got to my floor I looked up from my phone to see Anthony. Wait Anthony! He tried to brush past me and I turned and grabbed his arm. Not hard but just enough to get his attention. He turned around looking at where I had a hold of his arm.

Anthony: (sarcastically) Oh hey I didn't see you there. How are you Jamie?

Jamie: Don't play that with me. Why are you just now leaving?

Anthony: Me and Jenna decided we need to spend more time together. 

Jenna's POV

I had been trying to get Anthony out of the apartment for the past 20 minutes because I knew Jamie would be home any minute. I finally got him to leave by saying I would stay at his house tonight. He put his coat on, grabbed his keys off the counter. Next thing I knew he pushed me up against the wall and leaned in pressing his lips against mine. I put one arm around his torso and my other hand on the back of his neck. He slid his arms around my waist. We ere like this for at least 5 minutes when I finally pulled away even though i wish I could have stayed there forever, but I knew that if that happened we would end up back in the bedroom. Besides Jamie was probably all ready in the parking garage.

Jenna: Babe you got to go Jamie will walk in any minute

Anthony: Awe come on we were having fun

Jenna: I know but if we get caught...

Anthony: I know I know your brother will freak

He leaned in and pecked my lips one more time before turning to open the door.

Jenna: I love you 

He turned to face me one more time.

Anthony: I love you too bye.

He pecked my lips again turned opened the doors and vanished into the hallway. A couple seconds later I heard some loud shouting coming from the hallway. I opened the door to see Jamie with his hand around Anthony's arm. 

Jenna: Jamie?!?!

Hope you guys enjoyed the update. I will definitely try my best to update more often. Thank you guys so much for all the support. Go follow me and my best friend on Instagram  at  Internet_Bestfriends844 we live more than 844 miles apart, but are still always there for each other.

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