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*2 Days Later*

Jenna's POV

It has been two days since Jamie and I last talked, and we weren't even talking it was more like yelling at each other. All I have done is sit in my room, Elli comes in and out. Eddie brings food in once and a while, but I haven't been to work. I hear Jamie come in and out after his shift at work and making dinner and that's about it. Anthony has texted and called almost to many times to count. So I finally call him back.

Jenna: Hey, sorry I didn't call back.

Anthony: It's fine babe I just wanted to make sure your okay.

Jenna: Yea I'm fine it's just Jamie I really want his approval of us and he doesn't seem to have the time to talk anymore.

Anthony: How about I take your mind off your brother. Wear something fancy tonight. I'll pick you up at your apartment at 8. Leave Elli at home and I promise we will have a good time.

Jenna: Okay

Anthony: Okay I will see you at 8.

And before I knew it he had hung up. I got up and started getting ready doing my hair. I put my makeup on  then my red tight fit dress. I was about to put on my red heels when Jamie walked in, I guess he heard me getting ready.

Jamie: Wow, where are you going.

Jenna: Out

Jamie: Out with who?

Jenna: Well if you would have stayed and talked to me the other night you would know where I'm going and you would know where I'm sneaking off to all the time.

Jamie: Are you seeing someone Jenna?

Jenna: Yes, Does it matter because a few days ago I tried to tell you but you had something better to do.

Jamie: Oh Jenna, I'm sorry 

Jenna: Whatever it's fine, now I have to go,

I grabbed my purse of my bed and headed to the door. I took the stairs to the buildings front door to see Anthony in a nice shirt and jeans.

Anthony: Wow Jenna you look amazing.

Jenna: Thanks you don't look so bad yourself

He reached his hand out to help me down the steps. I kindly took it and when I reached the bottom he twirled me into his arms. 

Jenna: Thanks again for taking me out

Anthony: No problem anything for you princess

He opened the door to the car and helped me inside. He then climbed in himself and drove off. We pulled into the parking lot of my favorite restaurant. Anthony climbed out first and opened my door for me.

Jenna: Thanks Anthony

Anthony: Don't thank me yet 

We walked in and the whole restaurant was decorated with beautiful lights and flowers. We took our seats across from each other and talked until our food came. Anthony had ordered ahead of time. We talked and laughed as the night went by. And just when I thought the night was over the waiter came to our table with a cake. He set it down and as I was admiring it I noticed Anthony pulling a box from his pocket. He got down on one knee and said...

Sorry to leave you with a cliff hanger but sometimes that's what you have to do. Stay tuned for the next chapter of Jamie Reagan's Story hoped you enjoyed it. ~ M3

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