Meeting the Davidson's

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"Mrs. Davidson, Mr. Davidson, Asher." I said, voice laced with ice at the last person. He just nodded at me and smirked, all four adults were oblivious to my sudden voice change at the mention of his name.

"Why don't y'all go get settled in. Brooklee, honey, help them with their bags please darlin'." My mom said to me. It wasn't a request either, so I listened and picked up Mr. and Mrs. Davidson's bags and carried them with great struggle to the bottom of the staircase, and then turned around to grab his bags. But instead I smacked straight into his rock hard chest, falling backwards onto the bottom step of the staircase.

"Sorry sweetheart, I figured I could carry my own bags." He said, laughing at the frustrated expression on my face.

"Don't call me that." I snapped, standing up and brushing the dust off my lace dress, and stalking away from him.

"Mother, I'm going to get my things ready to go to Raeleigh's house okay?" I asked her. She nodded and waved me off and I practically sprinted towards the steps, carefully avoiding Asher's questioning gaze.

The minute my door shut I threw my makeup and stilletos in my overnight bag and then grabbed the short mini dress me and my best friend had gone shopping for the night before. The perfumes on my vanity were quickly swept in the bag and I put a pair of sweat pants and a tank top on the top, finishing off packing with a zip of the bag. Just as I turned around the door to my room was swung open and there stood Asher in the flesh.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, ignoring my icy tone, acting as if he really cared about my whereabouts.

"Raeleigh's, as previously stated." I said, grinding my teeth.

"Really? Because I got invited to Raeleigh's boyfriend's party, and I think it'd be funny if Raeleigh wasn't going to go to her own boyfriend's party." He stated smugly.

"Well maybe you were invited because Ryder is your best friend." I said, ignoring his accusation.

"Besides the point, Raeleigh is also Ryder's girlfriend, your best friend, whom you happen to be spending the night at tonight, so I'm assuming you are going to his party?" He asked.

"Yes in fact we are. Not that its any of your business what I do with MY friend's." I snapped at him again.

"It's not really, I was just assuming correctly." He said with a cocky grin.

"Are you going?" I ask, generally curious. His face hardened for a minute but then went back to before, maybe I had imagined it.

"I have places to be." He said, walking out of my room and shutting the door. "Not that its any of your concern." He said, before shutting the door again. I let out a shriek and stomped my foot at him, and his laughter was heard down the hall.


Raeleigh had already left me and was probably making out with Ryder somewhere, and I was stuck squished on the couch between a passed out drunk guy and a talkative red head.

"Yeah and he was like, you should totally suck my dick." She imitated in a deep voice. I tried to contain my laughter while I looked around the party for anyone to talk to besides this girl.

"Brooklee! Brook!" I heard a voice yell. I looked up to see who it was and locked eyes with my guy best friend, Cayden. I sighed in relief and quickly shot up away from the couch, the girl must have taken some drug because she was now babbling to the air not noticing I was gone.

"Cayden." I breathed.

"Brookley baby." He said, too close to my face meaning he was drunk. He also only called me that when he was drunk.

"Cayden, how much have you had to drink?" I asked.

"2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7. 7!" He said, counting off his fingers. I sighed and grabbed his shoulder, knowing at one point he was going to pass out soon. I led him to the downstairs basement, reserved for friends to drop there drunk friends off to sleep. I deposited him on the nearest cot and he immediately fell asleep, snoring loudly. Also something he only does when drunk.

I tried to get out of the basement before something bad happened to me being around all these drunks, some passed out some half awake, some high on drugs. I guess I was too late because going up the stairs a girl passed out and fell down, sloshing her red drink all over my white mini dress.

"Seriously!" I muttered, throwing my hands in the air. This is not how I imagined tonight going, I was already frustrated over Asher moving in and now I had sticky red alcholic juice all over my white dress showing my boobs. Of course, this dress was backless so I went braless. I quickly covered myself up with my arms and ran through the house, as best as I could in five inch heels, and trying to find Raeleigh.

The first place I looked besides the kitchen was Ryder's room, of course that was risky business considering what could be going on in there, but I had to. I slowly turned the knob yelling out that I was coming, probably not the best choice of words knowing the situation.

"Brooklee?" Raeleigh called out, her voice sounded broken.

"Raeleigh?" I called back in the darkness.

"Over here." She called, flashing her phones light. I got closer and saw the illumination of her face, streaked with mascara stained cheeks, a runny nose, and stringy hair, there was a break up that had just occured.

"Oh honey what happened?" She said.

"I should be asking the same of you." She laughed lightly.

"Drunk girls, white dress, equals no, remind me next time. But tell me what he did this time?" I said, getting angry. If he cheated on her again after she had just forgiven him, I would make sure he never hurt her again.

"I-I-I came up here to meet him after he told me to come upstairs after him, I waited five minutes like he said, I don't know why maybe I thought he had to freshen up, he was pretty drunk." She sobbed. "I came up and he was h-h-h-aving sex with C-Courtney. He actually looked surprised and angry that I had found him and like it was my fault." She cried harder.

"Oh honey, you saw this coming you and I both know forgiving him was the wrong choice." I said sympathetically.

"I thought this time was different!" She wailed, throwing her hands up just as the door swung open to reveal a drunk Ryder and a very sexily dressed Asher.

"Babe, I'm sorry." Ryder said.

"Fuck you." Raeleigh spat at him.

"C'mon we gotta get you guys back home." Asher said, helping me and Raeleigh up much to my displeasure as he touched me.

"Babe." Ryder said trying to hug her. She dodged him quickly.

"Courtney, c'mon, she'll never know." He said, sloppily. He must have mixed up what situation he was in now, because as soon as Rae heard that she burst into tears and just about slapped the drunk out of him.

"C'mon Rae, this asshat is nothing to you now." I said, grabbing her by her elbow and leading her out of the room, she would have spit fire if I didn't. Asher led us through the door and out to his mustang, in which I squished a hysterical Raeleigh in the back and climbed into the front seat, feeling the cold leather of his car seats on my bare legs.

"Here." He said, handing my his jacket from the back.

"I don't want your jacket." I spat at him.

"Okay fine, let your boobs be on full show I don't care." He said, glaring at me and starting the car. Then I remembered that my dress was see through.

"Wait, okay, I'll take it." I said ruefully.

"That's what I thought." He said, glaring at me, but pulling a small smile. I smirked sarcastically at him and snatched the jacket back, sitting in silence the rest of the ride.

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