Karma's a Bitch

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I woke up wrapped in Asher's arms. I already knew he was awake because he kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me even tighter.

"Mornin' beautiful." Asher said as I blushed.

"Mornin' to you too." I replied "What time is it?"

"I think six so you might want to start getting ready." Asher told me.

I got out of his bed and walked to my room. Hopping into the shower I scrubbed my body all over quickly, getting out I went straight to drying my air. After twenty minutes or so my hair was dry and I ran over it with a straightener. Finishing my hair I picked out my outfit and got dressed, walking down the stairs to meet Asher.

Driving to school with my hand in Asher's, he constantly brought it up to his lips to kiss it. Butterflies went wild in my stomach every time he did it. This was bliss. We pulled up into an empty parking spot and got out. Walking up to our group of friends we all talked about spring break once again, working out the details.

"So when are we leaving?"

"What do we need to bring?"

"What are we going to do there?"

Questions swarmed me from Ryder, Raeleigh, and Cayden. Asher got that upset look on his face but I ignored it. Again I already pissed him off this early in the morning.

Leaving the group Asher and I walked to our lockers to retrieve our first blocks' books. After grabbing our books we made our way to our class. The day went by and we were all sitting at our usual table when Raeleigh came running up to us.

"Did you guys here?" She paused "Carly's pregnant with Jordon's baby."

"We all knew that was coming she just better not bring that baby around me," Cayden said.

"Karma's a bitch!" I stated. "Is she coming back?" I asked out of curiosity.

No one answered. We were still sitting the table until the bell rung. Once the bell rung we all walked out of the Cafeteria and to our classes. Only having two classes has its perks. Once Art and Gym was done I walked out of school still in my gym clothes from being so sticky. Thinking that we were going to be inside I brought yoga pants and we ended up running two miles on the track.

Walking to Asher's truck I saw he was already there waiting for me. As soon as we were ready we pulled away from school going the complete opposite of home.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"I was going to take you to get some ice cream and maybe a movie, is that okay?" he asked.

I just nodded my head and looked forward. After a couple minutes of driving, we finally pulled up to the ice cream parlor. Ordering our ice cream we realized that we both love birthday cake flavor, Asher started feeding me ice cream like I was a baby but all I could do was laugh about this moment.

Once we left there we drove the short ride over to the movie theaters. We decided to watch the new Purge movie. Buying popcorn, soda, and candy was a big mess, fighting over which size and what flavor to get.

Finally getting into the movie I was somewhat scared since I saw what the last one was like. Luckily I have Asher to hide by if I get to scared or if the movie gets to gruesome.

After the movie we headed home. Acting scared to death but I really wasn't I asked Asher if I could sleep with him, so I would have an excuse to cuddle with him.

He threw me a shirt that I could sleep with and stripped out of his shorts. Sliding into the bed right next to me he grabbed my body so that we could be closer. Yet again another night of feeling safe and warm.

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