Information Intro

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Asher's P.O.V.

As the medics got Brooklee in the ambulance I jumped in behind them and rode with her, Raeleigh was already waiting behind us ready to leave for the hospital as her parents and my parents were on their way to the hospital up here.

Sitting in here watching as the medics worked on Brooklee hurt me as I knew this was all because of me. Once we got to the hospital we all hopped out and they pulled Brooklee in, one of the nurses stopped me because I went too far in. As she directed me to the waiting room Raeleigh came running through the door with my stuff that I left at the club. I tossed on the shirt and slipped on my sneakers and put my keys in my pocket.

About half an hour later mine and Brooklee's parents came rushing through the door. Once my mother saw me they all came over towards us swarming us with questions.

Once we calmed down I sat them down and told them everything. My parents had a hurt look in their eyes that I knew I was adopted and found out when I meet my real mother when I was twelve without their knowing. Finishing my story all four of the adults assured me that it wasn't my fault. I didn't believe them.

Hours have gone by when a doctor finally came out with information.

"Brooklee Michaels' family?"

As we all stood up he made his way over to us.

"Well she was very lucky to be alive for being such a frail girl. She's got a large deep cut on her forehead, a severe concussion, a couple fractured ribs, and a broken leg. She should be waking up any minute so only one family member is allowed at a time." He explained.

We all looked around and finally her parents coughed.

"Asher, would you like to go I know you are going to have to explain things and knowing her being in the hospital is the only way she will listen to you she's just as hard headed as I am." Mrs. Michaels told me.

I agreed the doctor lead me back to the room Brooklee was in. As I walked in I saw her body all bruised with the big cut on her head. After the doctor told me she will be waking up in about ten minutes I walked over to the chair to the side and brought it over next to the bed.

Once seated I grabbed her hand and held it bringing it to my lips to kiss it every so often. Minutes have gone by waiting for Brooklee to wake up when I heard a groan come from her lips.

"Brooklee, honey, are you okay?" I asked her.

She turned her head towards me as her eyes opened.

"Asher, why were you at that strip club, I need to know now." She demanded, not even bothering to beat around the bush.

"Okay, when I was twelve years old I found out that I was adopted, that my parents are not really the ones that gave birth to me. I met my mom one day by searching her up and paying a taxi to take me to her house. My parents thought that I was staying over a friend's house. I found out that she was a single mother that was a teenager when she had me. Her father told her that she needed to give me away or she was going to die. My real mother was raped. That's the only reason why I am alive. However a couple of years ago I learned that my real father came back and had another baby with my mother and then left again taking all of her money." I stopped taking a breath.

"She was left with another baby on the way and no money to provide with it let alone herself. She picked up another job at a local diner still struggling. Every year I gave her all the money I could get. Once I hit the age of 18 I had to find a job, she was struggling even more when my sister got sick and medical bills started to pile up. The only person that would hire me was Philip; he's the one that owns Pythons. After I got that job I picked up hours on Fridays and Saturdays so that I could help out with the medical bills. Because of me my real mother is not struggling as much as she was before. She's getting back on her feet and starting to be happier with my sister." I continued.

"Is that where you were on Spring break?" Brooklee asked.

"Yeah, when I found out the days for break I put in for days at Pythons, and the last couple of days Philip shut down because he was going on vacation so I bought a ticket and flew out to see you." I explained.

Knowing this was hard to process for Brook I looked down. Seconds later I felt fingers run through my hair, down my neck and grabbed my chin to bring my head up. She brought my head to hers as she stretched her lips to mine. I could taste some blood on them from an open cut. Not realizing it we turned a little kiss into a make our seen. Still kissing we were interrupted by a knock at the door. Disconnecting we gave whoever was at the door permission to come in.

Seeing it was the doctor I move to sit at the edge of the chair to see what happens next. He goes over to Brooklee and talks over some medical things. The only thing I picked up on was that she was allowed to leave tomorrow morning only because of observations.

"Can you go tell my parents that they can go home and get some rest and I'll be home tomorrow morning?" She asked.

I agreed and walked out to tell her parents, mine and Raeleigh. After exchanging goodbyes I walked back to Brooklee's room. She was almost knocked out when I got there but because the door makes so much noise I woke her back up.

I walked over to the chair and tried to get comfortable but that wasn't happening any time soon. Brooklee scooted over a little and patted the area next to her, basically telling me to lay in bed with her. Climbing in the bed I grabbed her by the waist and brought her closer to me. I felt better than I have in these past couple of days.

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