The VKs plan

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Cerise pov
Mal and Evie were heading towards the boys dorm. I hid behind a corner and waited for Mal and Evie to enter the room. When they finally entered the room I went up to the door and listened what thy were talking about. "GUYS do I have to remind you for what we came here for?" Mal scolded at the others in the room. "Yeah yeah fairygod mothers wand blah blah blah." Jay muttered a response. "This is our only chance to prove ourselves to our parents!" Mal continued. All of them were silent for a moment. "Evie mirror me!" "Mirror mirror on the... in my hand where stands the magic wand?" "Mirror not so close." "Nearer,nearer, nearer it's at the museum." Evie said. "That's about 2.3 miles away from here." "Well then let's go." I went as fast as I could to the corner I hid before. I soon followed Carlos who was the last of the group. They went right to the museum. Then I saw Mal saying some sort of spell and the night guard stood up and pricked his finger on the spinning wheel. As he did so he fell asleep. Mal then started to try and open the door and failed. "I got this." Jay said going back and running towards the door at full speed with a high kick. But before he could kick the door open the door swung open and Jay fell through the door. I had to snicker to myself about his stunned face. After I couldn't see them anymore I went inside. I could see them running up some stairs. I went after        them until they finally found ...             the wand. As Mal wanted to say another spell Jay was goin to get the wand. "Jay don't!" Mal hissed. "No Jay!" But it was to late and the alarm went off. I ran as fast as I could which was very fast, I stopped at the entrance and hid myself. The others were passing by when suddenly the phone of the museum rang and Carlos answered it. "Hello? Yes it was a false alarm. Carlos then started running again, tripped and fell pricking his finger with the spinning wheel falling instantly asleep. Great now I can stop hiding and get caught spying on the VKs. But Carlos was worth it. I took the sleeping Carlos picky back riding. I ran with Carlos on my back back to Auradon prep. Carlos was surprisingly light. I stopped in front of Carlos and Jays room. I knocked twice. "Delivery to Jay, here a sleeping beauty." "Cerise why do you have Carlos on your back?" "I followed you to the museum and don't worry I won't tell anyone." "You spied on us?!" "Yeah but anyway I'll be going to my dorm now see you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow." I went back to my dorm. Finding Mal and Evie pretending to be sleeping. I lay down on my bed and fell asleep. The next day I went with Mal and Evie to class. We had PE class and I wanted to try playing turney. I changed fast and went to class. "Ok boys go go go go go." I heard the trainer say. I went to get a bat for myself.
Time skip
After the match the trainer called me to go to him. "What's your name boy?" "Cerise Hood." "Cerise What are you doing here?!" "I want to participate too Chad!" "But you're a girl!" "So what if she is a girl she's a good player and we need every good player we can get!" "But..." "No buts Chad I've decided that she's part of the turney team!"  So with that I was officially part of the team. After everyone left I stayed with Carlos who had to practice his running. Ben would stop his time. Carlos ran very fast and he didn't stop when he could stop he ran farther. That's when I realized that he was running away from a dog so I chased after the both of them. When I finally reached them Carlos was on a tree. "Come here little dog." And the dog came to me and I lifted it up.  Right then Ben came. "I see you have met Dude the school mascot. "Why hasn't it attacked you yet Cerise?" "Why should it attack me who told you that?" "My mother and she's a dog expert!" "Well then she lied to you." Ben then said: "Carlos meet Dude, Dude meet Carlos." Carlos startet to go down the tree slowly, then he reached forward to pat Dude on the head. Dude then jumped into Carlos's arms. "I will leave you three alone now." Ben said to us while leaving. It was cool seeing how fast Carlos and Dude became friends. "Hey Cerise you were right my mom did lie to me. Dogs are cute!" "I know that dogs are cute." Just then I got knocked over by carmine. "Carmine don't lick my face." "Cerise are you okay?" "Yeah I am sleeping beauty." I had to laugh at Carlos's expression. It was so hilarious. "Why did you call me that?!" "Oh well yesterday you tripped at the museum and pricked your finger with Maleficent's spinning wheel so it's obvious that I would call you  sleeping beauty." "How did you know about my accident and that we were at the museum?" "Well I spied on you and I was the one to take you back to the dorms sleeping beauty." "Stop calling me that nasty Wolf girl." "Never!" We then both had to laugh. Carlos and I went back to the court with Carmine and Dude. Once we got back to our dorms we said our goodbyes. When I entered my room I found Mal laying on her bed reading a spell out of her spell book, Evie sewing and two other girls I didn't know. After Lonnie and Jane the two girls went away Carlos and Jay came to our room. Jay was showing us his team t-shirt. Jay then asked Mal if her plan with Jane worked. Mal replied: "do you think that I would go through every single spell in that book if I hadn't completely struck out?" "Someone's in a bad mood." Replied Jay. "My moms counting on me! I can't let her down." "We can do this!if we stick together." Jay continued. "And we won't go back until we do. Cause we're rotten..." Mal said questioning. "...To the core!" Everyone else answered. Their phrase was pretty cool. "Oh yeah I found out that fairy godmother will use her wand at the coronation and I don't have anything to wear." Said Evie. Then we all heard a knock. "Oh hi Mal I didn't see you guys today so I was wondering if you had any questions?" Ben said asking Mal. "Not that I would know." Ben and Mal exchanged some other words about the coronation. Than Mal closed the door in front of bens nose. "I think Bennyboo needs to get himself a new girlfriend. Are there any love spells in that book?" Mal asked us. Well and while all of that happened I got completely ignored. "Hey nasty  Wolf girl you coming?" Carlos asked me. "Sure I'll be right there."

Descendants and Ever After High Cerise Hood x Carlos De Vil (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now