The new students and the repeated prophecy

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Carlos pov
I could see how the boys attitude towards us changed. "What are you doing here you should be at the isle of the lost where you belong. Also Cerise why are you together with them they are evil?!" I could see how angry Cerise was getting. "Hey Austin you can't say that if you don't know them, they are besides Ben and Lonnie the nicest persons here at Auradon prep!" Then I went towards Cerise to calm her down before she'd growl. But my way got blocked by Ella. "Don't interfere villain!" Cerise then turned around and came towards Ella and me. "I'm sorry Ella but Carlos isn't a villain! Guys can you handle them without Carlos and me?" She then asked looking towards the others. "Sure go on." Mal answered. Then Cerise started to drag me away which caused me to blush a lot. "Cerise where are we going?" I asked her. "As far away as possible from the new kids." I could tell she was angry. "Nasty Wolf girl don't be angry we're all used to this kind of reaction." "Well I'm not sleeping beauty I don't like others insulting my friends."  "It's ok Cerise." "No it's not Carlos!" "Cerise please calm down ok." "Ok I'll try." We both continued to walk in silence. Cerise led me into the forest. I just couldn't take my eyes off of Cerise she was so beautiful. Is this how love feels like? When cerise turned around I quickly looked somewhere else. "Hey Sleeping beauty we're almost there!" "But where are you bringing me?" I asked again Cerise didn't answer. "We're here!" When I came to where she was I saw a picnic blanket and a picnic basket. Carmine was there waiting for Cerise.

Cerise sat down beside Carmine and gestured me to sit down as well

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Cerise sat down beside Carmine and gestured me to sit down as well. I did as she asked me to. "So... Ah what do you think Sleeping beauty?" She asked me. "I think it looks amazing here but why did you take me here?" "Well my family and I used to go here for picnics before my dad got banished to the isle of the lost. I wanted to share it with you since you are my best friend." "Oh I feel honored!" "Hey don't make fun of me Sleeping beauty!" Cerise and I laughed together. I then pulled Cerise's' hood of revealing her wolf ears. "There that's much better you can be yourself around me you don't have to hide your ears." Cerise just smiled at me cutely making me blush slightly. Cerise chuckled making me blush even more. "Has anybody told you how cute you look when you blush Sleeping beauty?" "N-n-no." My face felt really hot. Cerise handed me a chocolate looking like ball on a cone. While she had a white ball on a cone. I saw her licking the ball,I did the same and the ball tasted like chocolate but it was cold. I was eating really fast when I was finished I got a really huge headache. "Idiot you ate your ice cream to fast." "Ow it hurts!" I cried and rolled around on the floor. I looked at Cerise and she was only half way through with her ice cream. "Here drink this but be careful it's hot!" Cerise said as she handed me a cup of hot chocolate. I drank the hot chocolate slowly. After I drank the whole cup I didn't had such a huge headache anymore. "Thanks Cerise I don't have a headache anymore." "Your welcome."  So afterward we went back to school and Cerise had her picnic basket in her hand. The ice cream was very delicious. We looked for the others, we found them at the cafeteria. "Hey were back!" Cerise said. "Finally!" Jay answered. We walked up to them and I saw Ella and Austin glare at me. "Cerise you are ok right? That VK didn't do anything to you right?" "Ugh, Ella Carlos isn't evil anymore all of them chose the good over the evil and he's my best friend. I won't allow you to insult him." "I'm sure they spelled you so that you stick up to them." Said Austin. "We didn't spell her she was the first one to give us a chance!" "Mal is right we would never spell Cerise!" Evie said. "My cousin is right you did spell her!" Ella said. Now I was looking at Cerise she was tearing up. I couldn't bare it seeing her like this I went up to her and hugged her for comfort. "Thank you Carlos!" She whispered. "Leave her alone." Austin demanded from me. "No she's my friend and she needs comfort after your accusations!" I then took Cerise bridal style back to her dorm. The others took Austin and Ella to fairy godmother's office. "Carlos can you put me down now?" "Oh but I don't want to." I teased her. "Put me down!" "No!" Then we arrived at Cerise's dorm. I opened the door and entered. I put Cerise on her bed. Cerise then smiled at me. "Thanks I really needed that hug." "Your w-welcome. Are you going to be alright if I go now?" "Sure you can go if you want." I exited Cerise's room and went to my room. Jay was already inside. "Hey Carlos what do you think of the new kids?" He asked me. "I don't really like how Austin treated Cerise!" "Right because he insulted your girl." Jay teased me. "No!" well maybe that was why i felt this angry but I don't even know how love feels like. Later that night I had a dream. Or rather said a prophecy. "The forces of evil shall rise,
but out of the fog a hero will rise, only when the lovers find each other the evil shall fall." And it was very confusing who was that hero and what forces of evil?

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