Love spell

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Cerise pov
And we all went to the kitchen I was talking with the boys about different kinds of things, while Mal and Evie were baking the cookies. Then Lonnie came in and tasted the unbaked cookies Mal and Evie tried to stop her but failed. Then I saw Jay trying to make his move on Lonnie but failing as well. Lonnie then tells us about her baking cookies with her mum then she asked the VKs if their parents did that with them to. When all of them except for me shook their heads no Lonnie let out a tear of sadness. Mal took it fast from her cheek and put it in the bowl. Lonnie then left the kitchen and the others started to bake the cookies.

The next day Mal went to give the love cookie to Ben. I was getting ready for the turney tournament. Cross dressing like a boy again to play against the opponent team. Later I found myself sitting on the bench with Carlos, Chad and Jay. Chad then got called in for the game and Jay too but Jay insisted that Carlos should go in. So Carlos got into the game everyone cheered for him. Jay and I got in the moderator was talking through a microphone. The goals were two to two. Then Ben hit the last goal with a little help from Carlos Jay and me. Auradon prep had won the game it was very intense. Then Ben started to say: "Give me an M!" "M!" Everyone screamed. "Give me an A!" "A!" We all screamed. "Give me an L!" "L!" "What's that spell!?" Ben shouted through the microphone. "MAL!" All of us screamed. "I can't hear you!" Ben said. "MAL!!" We screamed to the top of our lungs. Then Ben started singing a love song for Mal. While Ben was singing, him, Carlos and Jay started to dance. Carlos looked so cute dancing wait what am I thinking again I don't like Carlos in that way do I? Well anyways after Ben stopped singing Carlos and I went to get Dude and Carmine to play with them. After a while we went to Carlos's and Jay's dorm and played a video game. In the end I was the winner and Carlos the loser. "I won! In your face sleeping beauty." "Stop calling me that nasty Woolf girl!" We both then started laughing. "I'm going back to my room ok?" "Ok see you tomorrow." I went back to my room. It was getting late and Mal had returned from her date. I went into the bathroom brushed my teeth and changed into my pajamas. Then Jay, Evie and Carlos came in and Mal started to talk with them about their plans on taking over Auradon. Mal was looking through her spell book and Evie asked her if she was going to break Ben's love spell. Mal said that she would after the coronation. Mal then noticed me. "Wait you heard all of that?!" "Don't worrie Mal she knows everything she even spied on us at the museum." "Sleeping beauty is right." "Gees not again!" Carlos said annoyed. "Sleeping beauty?! Why do you call him that?" Mal asked me. "Well at the museum Carlos tripped and pricked his finger with your moms spinning wheel and fell asleep. I was the one who took him back to Auradon prep." "That makes sense." Mal then laughed maliciously. Jay and Carlos then left to their room.
The next day
The next day was some sort of party we all went there. There was a small table with sweets and a chocolate pond. Mal took a strawberry and went with Evie somewhere else while I stayed with the boys to keep them out of trouble. Carlos and Jay went for the chocolate pond. Carlos was then covered in chocolate I took a napkin and cleaned his face the best I could. After that we all got asked to go to Mal since Audrey's grandma accused Mal to be her mother and told her that she never saw her daughter grow up. Mal wanted to comfort her but Chad stood in her way. "Oh no you already did enough. You stole another girls boyfriend and you Jay you love to hurt others. Evie you are a gold digger and a cheat." "Mirror Mirror in my hand who's the bigges jerk in the land." Evie sated But before the Mirror could answer Chad pushed the mirror out of Evie's hand. Jay then tried to punch Chad but got hold back by Carlos and me. Chad then tried to punch Jay back but Evie took out a spray and sprayed chat in the face making him lose consciousness. The VKs went away I stayed a little bit. "Chad That wasn't nice of you, you over did it. They are besides Ben and Lonnie the nicest people around here!" I said. "Cerise why are you sticking up for them?!" Audrey asked me. "Because I understand them, my dad got banished to the island!" I screamed running away with tears running down my cheeks. I bumped into someone while running. "Cerise why are you crying?" It was Carlos. "You know th-that m-m-my father is the big bad Wolf he got sent to the isle a long time ago." I said still crying. "Hey it's okay don't cry anymore I know how it feels." Carlos said in a soothing voice making me calm down a little bit. "Now turn that frown upside down." I managed to smile a bit. "There see it's not so hard." I then had to laugh about his silliness. Carlos and I hurried to catch up with the rest of the VKs who were just like Carlos and I in a bad mood. Ben then came up to us and asked how we were. No one answered. Then he said to just forget what had happened and kissed Mal goodbye. Then he left. After Ben left Audrey and Jane came and said mean things to Mal. When they left to the other table Mal looked through her spell book. "Beware for swear undo janes hair!" Mal swooped her finger and the girls at the other table started to scream. Mal then looked again trough her spell book and the girls left hesitantly. Then we all left.

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