The coronation

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Cerise pov
The next day was the coronation of Ben where we all got to sit at the very front and listened to a coir singing a song while Ben was walking up the aisle. Then when he arrived at the end fairy godmother took out her magic wand and asked Ben if he promised to rule Auradon with wisdom and justice. Ben said that he promised to do so. Just then to everyone's shock even to ours Jane took the wand from her mother. A flash of light struck out of the tip of the wand heading to who knows where. Jane was struggling to hold the wand Mal got the wand out of Janes' grip. We all went down stairs to Mal. " Mal you really want to do this?" Ben asked. "Ben our parents.." "Made their choice." Mal stood there for a moment. "I think I want to be good." Mal said. "You are good." Ben told her. "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?" Mal screamed. Ben said that he listened to his heart. Mal then took a little time. "I want to listen to my heart too. .... And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents!" Mal then told everybody about the things that made her and them happy. "Guys I choose good." Slowly all of the VKs putt their hands in the middle with Mal. Just then Maleficent got in the room and said: "I'm back!" "Mom go away!" Mal exclaimed. Then Mal tosses fairy godmother the wand and she caught it saying bebedy babedy (sorry back then I had horrible grammar and didn't know how to spell the enchantment, so bare with me) but she couldn't end her sentence because Maleficent interrupted her by saying boo and freezing the time including me. Maleficent got the wand from fairy godmother and did some mischief like putting Ben's crown wrong and his fathers glasses. Then she walked down to me putting my hood of letting my Wolf ears reveal. I could hear all of the VKs except for Carlos and Maleficent gasp. "Oh interesting little red riding hood and big bad wolf had a daughter." Meficent said. Then Mal ordered the wand to come to her hand and the wand did so. Maleficent was out raged and turned into a ferocious dragon. The dragon was after Jay. I couldn't hear anything else I guess that the time stopping spell was stronger than I thought. When everything was over everyone could move again and Ben started to run over to Mal roaring like a beast. I just had to laugh at Mal's expression. Then suddenly I got hugged by Carlos. "I thought that Maleficent was going to do something to you." "I'm alright." Later on that day we went to the party.

Well Carlos danced with Jane while I was sitting on a bench watching them dance together. But then Carlos came to me and asked me to dance. I accepted and Carlos and I danced together. I had a lot of fun that night. Eventually we all went to our dorms.
The next day
Carlos pov
I had so much fun with Cerise last night. But for a long time now, well actually since she told me her secret, I get this feeling as if there are millions of butterflies in my stomach. I get all shy around her and I don't know what to say. Today's Saturday so we don't have school today. "Hey Carlos you wanna play a video game?" "Sure why not Jay." I played with Jay a video game. But I lost. I'm so bored and I don't know what to do. "Carlos do you like Cerise?" "What?! No!" "You totally like her. What do you like about her?" "I don't like her ok!" "But you're blushing!" "Jay stop mocking me I do not like her!" "Come on you can tell me." "Fine I do like her,happy?" "Very!" Now I was in a bad mood because Jay pushed me so hard to spill out the answer. I've never felt love before. I never felt loved by my mother. But with Cerise I always felt save and at home. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Cerise is nice, compassionate, kind and adventurous. She acts just like a VK not like Audrey. I really don't like Audrey. "What time is it?" I asked Jay. "11:30. Why?" "Oh I was just wondering. Fairy godmother was talking through a microphone for everyone to gather outside to greet the new students. Jay and I went outside where we were supposed to gather. Just then a limo came to a stop and out came a boy and a girl

 Just then a limo came to a stop and out came a boy and a girl

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(Never mind the Pokémon logos)"Welcome to Auradon prep

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(Never mind the Pokémon logos)"Welcome to Auradon prep." Fairy godmother greeted the new students. She signalized me Jay Cerise Mal and Evie to come and show the new students around. "My name is Cerise hood daughter of little red riding hood it's nice to meet you." "I'm Austin and I'm the son of Queen Elsa of Arendele." "And I'm Ella daughter of princess Anna of Arendele." The girl said. "Who are you?" The boy asked the others and me. "I'm Carlos De Vil son of Cruela De Vil." "My name is Mal daughter of Maleficent." I could see the girl gasp. "Name's Jay son of Jafar." "And I'm Evie daughter of the Evil Queen."

Descendants and Ever After High Cerise Hood x Carlos De Vil (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now