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Carlos's pov
While we stayed silent in the woods, I heard Cerise stop crying. "You Okay now?" I asked her worriedly. She just nodded her head in response.

"Well now would you look at that. The two love birds alone in the woods. I must do something to get them separated, so that my plan works." Said a female sinister voice from far away while looking through a crystal ball. She chuckled. "and those spoiled brats <Austin and Ella will help me, hah, this is way to easy." the Woman sighed in annoyance, all she wants is to make her return and bring forth the Darkness to the world. But Cerise and Carlos would get into her way, so the only Thing to do was to seperate them and kill them. she knew exactly How todo it.

I then took her bridal stile back to the dorms. "Let go of me." Cerise scoffed at me. "Sorry, no chance." I smiled challenging at her. When we arrived at the door to my own dorm I opened it. Inside were Mal, Evie and Jay. When they saw us they all started to smirk. "I-it's n-n-not what you think!" Both Cerise and I simultaniously shouted in our defence. I quickly let her down. I looked to the side embarassed. My face heated up, while the preassure of their stares were Burning into me. "Just get over here already we have to tell you something." Evie said in her usual enthusiastic voice. We walked over to them and sat down on a beanbag. "What is it?" I asked. Mal looked at Cerise and me then started. "Apparently the new students weren't the only new thing to come to Auradon prep, some other School is supposed to join us, due to the similarities we have. They'll be coming tomorrow and we are supposed to welcome them here." I looked at her baffled. An entire School?! That's just insane. How is this School called?" Cerise asked. Evie piped up giving her the answer. "Something like ever... ever high?". "Ever After high? Do you mean Ever After high?" Cerise asked. Jay and the girls nodded. How did she know about this school? What sort of connection does she have with this? I wondered around staring intendly at her. She noticed after a few seconds and send me a questioning gaze, I shook my head at her and she shrugged. We went back to normal chit chat, with slight teasing from our friends. But seriously why couldn't they just stop doing that. I know I that I like Cerise but I want to take it my way, I don't want to rush things. Not only that but I'm too shy to tell her just yet. I hope that she reciprocates my feelings for her, after all we are really close friends. I didn't notice that I was staring again, that was until Cerise elbowed me and started laughing at my shocked expression. I faked a pout but joined in on her laughter. "Sorry, I didn't notice." "It's fine, sleeping beauty." I rolled my eyes at the stupid nickname but didn't complain. Mal, Evie and Jay gave one another knowing looks and conversed amongst themselves. Cerise and I were left in silence. It wasn't awkward per say, but certainly not pleasant either. I was the first to break the silence. "Cerise, there is something I must ask you..." She looked at me. "Go ahead." I sighed then inhaled deeply.

Descendants and Ever After High Cerise Hood x Carlos De Vil (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now