Going to far

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Cerise's pov
Shortly after Carlos left the room, Mal and Evie came in. They looked pretty tired, annoyed and angry all at the same time. "I still can't believe that Austin and Ella accused us of having spelled you!" Mal said. "Please I don't want to talk about this anymore!" I told her. "Cerise are you okay?" Evie asked me worriedly. "Yeah!" "Hey Cerise why didn't you tell us about your father being the big bad wolf?" Mal asked changing the subject. "Well uh ... it's because if anyone from Auradon were to find out they'd flip their crowns." I heard Mal and Evie chuckle. "Flip their crowns that's so funny." Evie said in between chuckles. "Well I suppose it kind of is funny. I stated starting to laugh. Then we just all bursted out into laughter. We couldn't stop anymore. When I finally stopped I heard the door open from the outside. Mal and Evie immediately stopped laughing and looked angrily at the person standing at the door. "What were you VKs doing to Cerise?" Ella asked. "Well to your information we share a dorm." Mal scoffed at Ella. Great now that we were having such a good time. The next thing that happened was that Ella grabbed my wrist and was pulling me across the room and into the bathroom far away from Mal and Evie. "Where are you taking me Ella? Let me go!" "No im going to keep you safe from them!" Ella replied. That's it I've had enough there is no going back now. "LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!" I growled at her with yellow wolf eyes and wolf fangs. "What happened to you did the VKs spell you to become a monster?!" What's wrong with her can't she see that I'm half wolf? "They didn't spell me and plus I am a VK just like them, my father is the big bad wolf are you really that stupid?!" I continued growling at her. "What?! Little red riding hood married the big bad wolf! But that can't be. You shouldn't even be alive, you should be at the isle of the lost just like your father!" How can she insult my parents like that. That's going to far. My legs started to take me somewhere far away. I could hear Mal and Evie shout after me to stop. I was at the verge of tears, I couldn't hold my tears any longer. I felt the hot droplets dripping down my cheeks.
Carlos pov
I was woken up by some knocks on the door, I stood up and opened the door. At the door we're a panting Mal and Evie. "What's wrong?" I asked them. " Cerise...  she ran away! After....  Ella took her.... to the bathroom!" Mal stuttered out of breath. There was no time left to waste, I started running through the empty corridors, when I finally reached the door which lead outside I stepped outside. I started to run towards the forest something told me that Cerise was in the forest. Once I had reached the forest I could hear someone crying. I directed my footsteps into the direction where the crying was coming from. The person who was crying was Cerise. Carmine was already there to comfort Cerise. I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Hey it's ok! Tell me what happened." I said trying my best to sound calm and soothing. "I don't want to talk about it." Cerise scoffed obviously angry. I decided to comfort her in silence. I didn't want her to cry anymore it pained me seeing her like this. I guess Jay's right about me having a crush on Cerise. But I can't tell her, she probably thinks of me only as a friend. Well why would an amazing girl like Cerise would ever fall in love with me? Hah. I'm being self conscious. But that's how it is.

Sorry for my likings this is way to short

Descendants and Ever After High Cerise Hood x Carlos De Vil (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now