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Carlo's pov.

I sighed then inhaled deeply. "I recently had this dream or more specifically a prophecy. It's something about lovers having to come together and fend off new forces of evil, or something like that. Do you know anything about it?" She looked baffled but soon regained her composure. "I've had the same dream but it was weeks ago. But do you think that the dream is referring to us?" She asked. I only nodded and she looked deep into my eyes, I did the same in return. At this point I only wanted to kiss her and hold her close to me. She was just so beautiful and unique. A tomboy and a brave soul, she spoke her mind freely and sometimes she could be too blunt, but I loved that about her. We leaned in closer, I placed a hand on her cheek and she leaned closer into my touch. I could feel her breath ghosting over my lips, her eyes were closed. I slowly closed my eyes, but stopped just before our lips met. I could do this, I told myself and took a deep breath. I leaned in once again. "Just kiss already!" Evie shouted at us and the magic binding us suddenly disappeared, we came back into reality. I blushed hard and covered my mouth turning away from Cerise. She did the same but covered her face with her hood. I looked over at Evie and glared at her. I stood up, she will certainly hate me now, I didn't even ask. And before I even knew it I stormed out of the room. Was I crying? I felt my eyes and yes I was crying. Why was I crying? I ran away to the forest, where I had been earlier. I slumped down against a tree. This was stupid, all of this was stupid. I almost kissed my best friend, what was I thinking? I covered my face once again.

Cerise pov.

What just happened? I don't know what to do? This is embarrassing. Carlo's almost kissed me, I didn't mind, in fact I was happy he was going to do it. But it just stopped and I was left confused. Where did he even go off to? Does he really like me the way I like him? No scratch that I loved him. I know this for a very long time, I truly love his company, so why was this so difficult? Why is love so complicated? If only Cupid were here, then again they are all soon coming and I can finally see Raven again. I've really missed them and their silliness. I can't wait to introduce them all with one another. But on the other hand I have to bare with her teasing again, yay I can't wait. I rolled my eyes, but smiled lightly to myself. I looked at my small locket and gently caressed it. I will certainly find a way to reunite my family, but for now I have to find Carlos. I walk out of the room yelling back, "I'll get him back!" I run down the hallway, screw the rules. I let out a small growl in joy. Despite the fact we almost kissed and Carlo's having run away, I'm glad he could overcome his shyness even for just a small moment. We'll be able to make things right. I think I know where he is, so I just have to get there as fast as I can. There has been too much crying today and it has to stop! I ran faster, my eyes glowing yellow. I loved running more than anything. I heard him even from a far distance and just as I thought he was at our little spot in the woods. "Hey." I didn't know what to say. He turned around and looked at me through teary eyes. He rubbed them and wanted to run away again. Oh no not on my watch mister. I spend up and purposely tackled him to the ground. "Would you stop running and face me like a man?!" I yelled at his face. I wasn't mad at him, I just couldn't stand when someone was running away from me. He didn't look at me and kept silent. Slightly weeping. It really broke my heart seeing him like that. "Just talk to me. Did I do something?" I plead, still with risen voice. He still wouldn't look at me. Why?! Why won't he look at me? Did I do something? I was loosing hope I loosened my grip on him. He came from underneath me and backed away. I felt tears rolling down my face. "Why are you ignoring me? If I did something then tell me! Or is it about the almost kiss? It is isn't it?" I looked at the ground devastated. I stood up, gave him one last glance and ran back to my room. I locked myself up and went on my bed, I burries my face in my pillow and cried myself to sleep. All my excitement for tomorrow vanished in a flash. Just like that, gone.

Descendants and Ever After High Cerise Hood x Carlos De Vil (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now