Back to school

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  • Dedicated to to my lovely mother, I love you with all my heart.

Note: this is not a teen wolf fanfic, I apologize beforehand for the grammar mistakes.

Also, Erin Watson Private Preparatory School has a middle school, and elementary school, (That's why Rose attends to classes.)


Once they were home, Allison relinquished the fact that her mother wasn't home.

Taking Bastian to his room was a task that required herculean strength, which of course, she hadn't.

His heavy body was like an anchor dragging her to the bottom of the ocean.

"I'm hungry. Make me a sandwich. Peanut butter and jelly and a cup of cocoa, pretty please?"

Allison laughed, and dragged him to the kitchen.

Bastian had somewhat sobered up. The drive had done him good.

"So," Bastian said, as if wanting to engage conversation with her.

Oh no, I know what he is going to say.

"So," Allison said, while rummaging through the fridge, hunting down for the jelly and peanut butter, and milk. She closed the fridge with her foot and placed all contents, poured milk into two glasses and added cocoa.

"I am confused, were you about to kiss Blake?"

Allison let the knife with which she'd been smearing jelly slip onto the slices of bread but recovered quickly.


Once the sandwiches were ready, she took the knife, cut away the crust off his sandwich, he hated them.

Bastian chuckled. "I won't cut the crusts off your sandwich, it is a warning." she said, pointing at him with the butter knife.

Bastian held up his hands in defeat. "I wasn't judging you or reprimanding you. I just wondered, I knew you two had something going on before, you know...he left. Ge-I saw you guys kissing like two weeks before he departed. I thought you guys were adorable. I resented you, though. You gave your first kiss before I did."

"No I didn't! I was thirteen! How old were you when you had your first kiss? And with whom?"

Bastian took the glass of cocoa and his sandwich.

"That, sister of mine, it's none of your business. Now if you'll excuse me, I will retreat to my chambers,"

He closed his eyes and relished the exquisiteness of the sandwich.

Bastian walked to stand before her and leaned down and kissed Allison's forehead.

"Goodnight princess, I love you." He said, she hugged him and returned the words.

He hadn't hugged her a while ago so she clung to him.

"Don't leave me, you are the only family I've got. You are my atlas."

Bastian frowned, but hugged her.

"I won't ever leave you, I will always be here for you. Except when I go to college and to my room, like I am now,"

He gave a bite to his sandwich and walked away.

That night she couldn't sleep. Thinking about the kiss that he could've given her.

It was if he had not kissed her at all underwater. Maybe someday, but the anticipation of it was excruciating.

She tossed and turned in bed until sleep consumed her.

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