Code of Conduct

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Scene 1: Homeroom - Physics

Heather Blakely

"Hey, Blakely." Tony Milligan, Jace's lacrosse friend interrupts my mindless sketching in my notebook.

"Oh, hey," I smile as he sits next to me.

"So I haven't seen you at the games lately," Tony continues. "Is Jace trying to keep you away from us guys?"

Tony was a dedicated "suitor," if you will, before Jace and I officially started dating. I went to the games with Alison specifically so we could check out the guys. Watching them play is significantly less entertaining now that I have a boyfriend.

"Well, I've been pretty busy. I never miss the games that matter, though." What're a few small competitions compared to the ones that win you trophies?

"It'd be really great if..." His voice trailed off in my head when I caught a glance of Leo Rylin strolling through the door.

I scowled at the sight of him. He really is dirt.

"...If looks could kill," Tony smirked and took me out of my glaring trance.

"Ha, I wish they could," I admit.

"Who's the guy?" He asks lowly since Leo is near us speaking to one of his friends who doesn't even have this class. I scowl at him once more before ripping a sheet from my notebook and writing Tony a note so that I don't have to whisper to him.

"Leo Rylin: Born apart of the miserable, penniless litter. He's not even worth the ink in this pen."

Tony snickers as he reads it out loud and watches as Leo passes us by. He shook his head in annoyance when he heard us laughing but continued to walk to his seat.

"Watch this..." Tony smiles as he stands up. "Keep a lookout for me."

Ms. Chang is unusually late today.

I subtly turn around to see what Tony is up to and laugh when I see him intentionally knock Leo's things onto the floor.

"Aw, sorry, friend," Tony said halfheartedly. "Here, have a fifty." He takes out his wallet and places a crisp bill on Leo's desk. "Now don't spend it all in one place. That's about a week's worth of groceries for you, isn't it?"

"Tony, you're such a sweetheart," I call out to him, "but didn't anyone ever tell you not to feed the pigeons?"

Leo sends me a cold, dead glare and I smirk.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Beggars and panhandlers should probably get off their asses and try to do something with their pathetic lives." He snatches the fifty off of the surface of the desk before crouching down to be eye-level with Leo. "You don't deserve handouts."

Leo stands up from his chair, "keep talking, I fucking dare you."

Tony chuckled and I felt the room fill with raging testosterone as they came face to face. "What are you going to do to stop me?"

Leo wasted no time before shoving him back, and like falling dominos...Tony reacted immediately. Tony launched at him and Leo grabbed him by his shirt, lifting him up enough to slam him onto the lab table.

My eyes widened in shock, and against my better judgment, I ran over and tried to pull Leo off of Tony. I thought that maybe playing the martyr would be better than being punished for the villain when I'm named the reason all of this happened.

I had managed to pull Leo at least a foot away from Tony long enough for me to step in front of him. Leo angrily re-approached us with his fists clenched, but I didn't hesitate to stand my ground.

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