Expect the Unexpected

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Scene 1: Rivington Street

Leo Rylin

"We're all dead when your dad gets home," Matt laughs hysterically, and the rest of us join in, our drunken states causing us to find humor in absolutely everything.

"Yeah, well, who gives a shit?" Danny smiles and takes a swig of the Jack we found stashed in his dad's closet...along with a fuck load of empty bottles of cheap vodka and quarter filled bottles of whatever else gets you loaded.

We were going to hang at my place like we usually do, but Danny's was closer. I'm glad we came here, though. I think times like these are good enough to replace the bad memories Danny has of this house, now.

It's sad, we walked in and had to pretend we didn't notice the bloodstains on his couch...

"Easy, kid," I snatch the bottle out of Zach's hand, "what're you trying to send yourself to the hospital?"

"Ah, let him get wasted, he's growing up," Danny says proudly. "My uncle used to say that all you need in life to be happy is moonshine and a hot piece of ass."

Yeah, Danny, man, I'm starting to question your whole family...

"The same uncle who likes to dress in drag?" Matt said slyly.

"That was 20 years ago, and for the last time, it was a costume. It was Halloween for fuck's sake," Danny sighed in frustration.

"Yeah, and what did he go as? A fag?" Matt continued to tease and laugh.

"Hey- stop," I interrupt, "don't say that, cut it out." I try my best not to look over at Zach, only stealing a quick glance to make sure he didn't seem upset.

Sure, there's a picture of Danny's uncle coated in makeup wearing fishnets and a sequined cocktail dress. But, it doesn't matter if he's a fa-...I mean gay.

"What do you care?" Matt shrugged and even Danny gave me a suspicious expression.

"It's just not something we should say...it's fucked up, you know?"

"Why? Are you a fairy too?" Matt snickered and nudged Danny, expecting him to find it funny as well.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm a fairy who's gonna break your nose if you don't stop talking."

"Nobody's a fairy, how about that?" Danny rolled his eyes, "there are no fags here, alright?"

Matt nodded and I subtly glanced over at Zach again, this time actually being noticed.

"I feel kind of sick..." Zach said before getting up and walking out of the room.

"Want me to come with you?" I call out but only get the sound of the front door shutting in response.

"Where's he off to?" Matt asked, "why didn't he just puke in the bathroom?"

Probably because he's sick of you guys.
And now he's probably walking home alone in the dark.

I quickly follow after him, hoping to catch him before he's too far gone. Thankfully, when I open the door, he's sitting on the porch.

He doesn't acknowledge my presence, but I sit next to him anyway in hopes of him feeling comfortable enough to actually start speaking.

It's a bit cold outside, and he's cradling himself close to keep his bare arms warm. I have a long-sleeved shirt on under my jacket, so I didn't hesitate to throw it over his shoulders.

He gave me a quick glimpse and a small smile, yet I still didn't feel it was appropriate for me to talk first.

And, I guess he knew that...

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