Wasting a Whole Year on You

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Scene 1: E Broadway

Zach Teeling

We stood outside on the balcony when we heard fireworks. It wasn't even midnight, but we were by ourselves as the sky lit up...and he was next to me....looking up— but still next to me.

I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to...a lot, but I've never made the first move on anyone before.

Evan kissed me first.

"I think they're done now," Aaron breaks the silence.

"Yeah..." I say in disappointment.

"So...do you know everyone here?"

"Not everyone, but a lot of them, yeah." I think Danny knows I'm right about Kat because none of them showed up tonight.

And that's kind of okay...I don't know if I want to introduce Aaron yet.

"You fit in well with older crowds, huh?" He asks rhetorically. "It seems like it's something you're used to."

"Does it?" I say happily, taking it as a compliment.

"This place is full of upperclassmen and college kids. Are you the youngest person everywhere you go?"

I shake my head, "I'm not that young."

"I know," he smirks. "But you don't like people your age."

"They're alright, the people I like are just...older."

He chuckles and nods, "it's nice to know I made the cut then." I smile at him while he's not looking. He's really vague...but it's nice to know it's okay to like him. "Should we go back in?"

"Yeah, probably," I sigh, the cold air turning my breath into clouds.

Amanda throws weird parties compared to the ones I usually end up at. The people who come are all cool in a— unique kind of way, and they mix in with the rest who are more laid back. I prefer her parties...

Aside from the coke in the bathroom and the circle of freaks on acid.

Aaron follows me into the empty kitchen. I open the fridge and grab a bottle of Bud Light.

"Beer?" I offer.

"I'm driving..." Aaron hesitates, "but maybe just one."

"You don't have to go home," I shrug. "We all just crash wherever we are if no one can drive. You can stay if you're with me."

He chuckles, "you make friends with everybody, don't you? That's why you invited me? So, you'll have another place to crash?"

"Obviously," I joke, "why else would I have ever talked to you?"

"You're lucky I have a couple of sleeping bags then."

"I'd hate to put you on the floor in your own room though."

"Oh, really? Try to take my bed," he laughs, "I dare you."

"Or, we can share it."

Subtle, Zach...real subtle.

He raises his eyebrows in surprise at my suggestion.

Laugh, Zach...tell him you were kidding.

"Aaron?" A girl interrupted before I could recant.

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