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Takes place during the time Sasuke and Sakura travel together.

Loosely based off a doujinshi.

     Sakura pumped her fist in the air, biting the inside of her mouth to keep from yelling in victory.
     Sasuke and her had checked into an inn for once, thanks to Sakura complaining that all she needed was one nice shower, and then they could continue camping out in the woods. As it had turned out, the inn had run out of single futons, so Sasuke and her were forced to share a larger couple's one.
     Sakura had been ecstatic, and had been sure this was her chance to get closer to the one she loved. Sasuke, however, had seemed completely unfazed by the whole thing, and had seemed simply worried about how she felt sharing a bed with him. She loved the Uchiha, but sometimes he absolutely infuriated her.
     To her dismay, the evening had gone completely normally, nothing romantic happening whatsoever. They had eaten together, each taken a bath, and that was it. Her only solace had been that she'd finally been able to take a decent bath. Sasuke hasn't said a word as he had settled himself on the left side of the futon, while she had the right side.
     Now, you might be wondering why Sakura was currently pumping her fist in victory. Well, the thing about the futon was that though it was comfy, the pillows it came with were not whatsoever; Sakura had actually checked whether hers was filled with bricks. Now, how is this good for Sakura's romantic endeavors? Well, Sakura had somehow managed to fall asleep despite the stone that was her pillow, but had been practically half conscious during the night. Gradually, a weight had slowly settled itself on her breast, but she was too tired to actually check what it was, and since it wasn't uncomfortable, she was fine with it.
     In the morning, the weight was still on her breast. Finally resolved to find out what it was, she had opened her eyes, and low and behold, Uchiha Sasuke, the ice cube she was in love with who seemed to be able to tolerate anything, had his head snugly placed on her right breast, sound asleep. It seemed while he was sleeping, he had unconsciously shifted his head from his hard pillow to a much more comfortable surface: her bust.
     It had taken Sakura a couple seconds to actually realize what was happening, but when she was finally able to process it, it was like fireworks were exploding in her head, leading her to having her fist in the air, as she lay wide awake with Sasuke sleeping peacefully against her chest.
     If only she could take a picture in this moment, she would treasure it forever. She slowly lowered her arm, and craned her neck slightly to be able to see Sasuke's face. Although his spiky duck butt hair was covering most of her view, her heart skipped a beat as she took in his peaceful sleeping face. Gone were the hard features of his face, constantly on guard. Instead, his muscles were perfectly relaxed, and his lips were parted ever so slightly as he breathed at a regular rhythm. He looked almost like a kid.
     Now, one might think that because she was traveling with Sasuke, she would have seen this side of him multiple times, but they were sorely mistaken. The thing was, when they were sleeping outside, Sasuke would always be the last of them to go to sleep, and the first to wake up, which meant she never got to see him in such a vulnerable state. The reason he was currently so relaxed was probably due to the fact that they were indoors, and they didn't have to be on their guard to listen for the slightest of sounds. Sakura would also like to think that it was because of how comfortable her chest was, despite how small her bust was compared to the girls back in Konoha.
     She tentatively reached her hand towards Sasuke's hair. His hair looked very spiky, but whether that was true or not, she had yet to find out. Her fingers had barely brushed the tip of his duck butt when Sasuke started to stir. Sakura froze, hoping he wouldn't wake up. Unfortunately, it seemed luck was no longer on her side. Sasuke's eyelids fluttered open, and he craned his neck, stretching until his face was looking up directly at Sakura's. He froze, his onyx eye wide in shock while his rinnegan gleamed purple up at her. They stared at each other for a moment, Sakura not really knowing what to do as it seemed Sasuke was still trying to process his situation. Then he suddenly lurched, and sat up, scootching away from her slightly. He covered his face with his hand, and to Sakura's pure and utter amazement, Uchiha Sasuke was blushing! There was no mistaking it. His ears were a bright red, the color spreading to his cheeks and nose. His eyes were still wide as he stared at her, desperately attempting to cover his not-so-stoic face. Then, seemingly more impossible, he started to stutter.
     "I-I didn't—I-I mean it was—a-accident," he spluttered, desperately trying to come up with an excuse for why his head was on her breast.
     Sakura stared in awe at this side of Sasuke that she'd never seen before, trying to process all the new expressions she'd seen from him in the span of two minutes. He was flustered, blushing, stuttering, and completely vulnerable, not at all his usual guarded self.
     Sakura felt her own blush start to rise to her cheeks. This was it, this was her chance. All she had to do was take the initiative. She slowly sat up, her face blank. Sasuke stopped blubbering excuses and stared at her warily, eyes still wide. She padded over to him on all fours until her face was inches from his. Her face was beat red now at what she was attempting to do, but seeing as it seemed Sasuke was never going to make the first move, it had to be her.
     Trembling now, she sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers playing with the back of his hair that she now knew was soft despite its appearance, just like he was.
     "S-Sakura—" he started to say, but Sakura shook her head at him, shushing him. A fire blazed within her, determined to do this now. She slowly leaned down, Sasuke's eyes never leaving her own, and touched her lips to his. Sasuke didn't respond. Her heart sank and she started to pull away, when suddenly, she found herself lying on her back on the futon, Sasuke's hands pinning her arms above her. She stared up at him with wide green eyes. She saw that his face was still red, but his eyes now stared at her with longing. He leaned his face down towards hers until their breath mingled in the space between them.
     "You're sure you want me?" He whispered, eyes searching hers.
     Her eyes moistened with unshed tears, and she said, voice hoarse with emotion, "You're the only one I've ever wanted."
     He leaned down and kissed her, Sakura's back arching up to respond. He pulled back, letting them breathe.
     "I'm a criminal," he said.
     "Reformed," she answered simply.
     He kissed her again, and pulled back.
     "I'm a killer," he said, scanning her face.
     "Not to me," she said, leaning her face up towards him.
     He kissed her again, Sakura loving every second of it, but it was again short lived. He pulled back yet again, and this time when he spoke, his eyes were filled with pain and regret.
     "I tried to kill you," he breathed out, his voice cracking.
     Sakura smiled sadly. She now understood why Sasuke hadn't made a move on her. He was filled with regret and guilt at what he had done in the past. Sakura herself didn't quite know why still loved him since it was true he had tried to kill her, and caused her a lot of pain, but it seemed there were some things you couldn't help. And besides, Sasuke had changed.
     "I forgave you a long time ago," she said softly, looking at him with all the love she felt in her heart.
     A single glistening tear rolled down Sasuke's cheek. He leaned down and captured her lips in his, and this time, he didn't pull away.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot. Feedback is much appreciated. 

Written by: Meena a.k.a @NaluLuvr 

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