Mystery Wife

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Another modern AU




Sasuke readjusted his sunglasses, speed-walking through the opening his bodyguards were providing him as they held the crowd back, batting away microphones, and blocking cameras.

"If you completely ignore your fans, you'll lose your fanbase! Be more considerate!" His manager Kakashi's words came back to him just as he was about to duck through the door of the building to safety.

He muttered a curse under his breath and paused just before he crossed the stupid "Welcome" mat lying comically rumpled on the floor. He turned and flashed his "camera's rolling" smile, gave a small wave, and promptly ducked inside as the squeals rose to a deafening volume.

His ebony dress pants clacked against the lobby's marble floor, several uneven clacks accompanying him as his bodyguards followed him in. As he reached the front desk, the woman behind it jumped up, a bright smile illuminating her face.

"Mr. Uchiha! It's a pleasure to have you, right this way!" she said rapidly, her voice sounding unnaturally high.

She skittered towards the elevator, and after a moment of surprise, Sasuke followed. The ascent to the twentieth floor seemed excruciatingly long, mostly because of the woman's incessant tapping of her heels against the metal floor, throwing him furtive glances every now and then.

I think she's the most anxious person I've ever seen.

Finally, the doors opened and the woman shot out and down the hallway, guiding him to his destination. The doors opened to a large circular room with two armchairs in the center and a coffee table between them. Cameras, microphones, and camera-men encircled the cozy looking set-up. It was stifling.

"Mr. Uchiha!" a loud voice boomed. Sasuke cringed.

He turned to see the face of the biggest entertainment show in the world: Leonardo Ricchio. With slicked back golden hair, a cutting jawline, and a blinding grin, he was the most popular TV show host of the 21st century.

"Mr. Ricchio," he acquiesced, shaking his outstretched hand.

"I'm so glad you accepted to be on my show!"

Did this guy always shout whenever he spoke?

"The pleasure is mine," Sasuke lied.

"Ah, as curt as ever I see! Let's see if we can change that, shall we?" he grinned, gesturing towards the armchairs.

The Uchiha resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and instead tucked his sunglasses in the pocket of his suit jacket. The jittery woman who had accompanied him nodded her head in respect and skittered away before he could do the same.

They sat down, Leonardo prepped him, and then the cameras were rolling.

"Hello, everybody, and welcome back to Tonight! As you can see, I'm joined by a very special guest today." Leonardo gestured towards Sasuke as he stared straight at the camera. "Voted the number one rising actor and the hottest man in television, Uchiha Sasuke!"

A cheering track came on and Leonardo looked to Sasuke expectantly.

How cheesy.

He gave his camera smile and said, "Pleasure to be here, Mr. Ricchio."

"Why don't we hop straight to it, since I'm sure your fans want me to cut to the chase and start you talking," he laughed. "So, Mr. Uchiha, your first blockbuster roll was in the action movie The Gunman as the assassin Han Brady. What did you do to prepare for this roll and get in character?"

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