Cheers to Love-Gruvia

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A chorus of "CHEERS!" resounded across the din of the crowded bar, glasses of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages alike clinking together in celebration.

"Ahhhh, I can't believe we're finally celebrating the publication of your book, Lu-chan! It feels like a dream!" Levy squealed, wrapping Lucy in a tight hug.

"I know, it feels surreal to me, too," the blonde said, gripping her drink. "I mean everyone is going to be able to read it now and share what they think and review it and... judge my writing..."

"Stop it! Everyone is going to love your writing, Luce! You're overthinking things as usual," Natsu said, tightening his grasp around his girlfriend's waist enough to bring her in for a kiss on the cheek.

"And if anyone dares to mock it, I will personally go after them and instill the fear of death into them," Erza said seriously, her fiancé Jellal shaking his head with an amused smile beside her.

"Th-Thanks, Erza, but I don't need you to do that, though I appreciate the sentiment," Lucy said nervously. "As a writer, I have to get used to criticism at some point anyway, right?"

"Well, Juvia is just excited to get an autographed copy!" Juvia clamored.

"True!" Cana said, pausing momentarily in downing her fourth drink. "Never owned an autographed book before–well, never owned a book before actually."

A chorus of laughs followed this comment, Gajeel clapping the drunk brunette on the shoulder in a show of solidarity. Gray leaned back in his chair, watching this all with a pleased smile on his face. One of his best friends had finally achieved her life long dream, and he couldn't be happier about it, despite his discomfort. Gray wasn't one for large crowds, and this bar was chock full of people, skin constantly finding some way to brush against him. Their usual bar had unfortunately been closed for repairs due to a fire the week before, and so they'd gone to La Licorne Bleue, one of the top ranked bars in the city of Magnolia. The only thing Gray actually liked about the bar was the deep jazz tunes currently playing across the speakers, and he attempted to zero in on that as he sipped his beer.

After a few more drinks, jokes, and repeated congratulations, most of the gang had filtered out to the small dance floor in the middle of the bar, the couples swaying and twirling together. The only ones that remained at their table were Gray, Juvia, and Cana who was now on what Gray was relatively sure was her 15th shot of the night, not counting whatever she'd drank before coming here.

Gray scooted his chair even closer to the table as another body brushed past him, drunken giggles sounding unapologetically from the retreating back. He hunched over his beer, staring into the amber liquid.

A light touch on his arm had him jumping again, until he noticed its familiar weight.

"Gray-sama, are you alright?"


Juvia had done herself up quite nicely tonight; Gray knew she relished the opportunity to dress up. Her normally loose blue waves were pulled back into a low bun, part of it braided around it while free locks fell to frame her face. The one-sleeved dress she'd chosen accented her curves nicely, a slit up the side exposing her leg. Her eyes sparkled in the dim lighting, adding an extra sheen to the pink gloss adorning her slightly parted lips. To put it shortly, she was beautiful tonight, though really Gray thought she was beautiful whenever he saw her, but–woah, her face was close to his!

He moved back noticeably and averted his eyes from her intense gaze.

"Y-Yeah, don't worry about me," he stammered, hoping she couldn't see the blush creeping up his neck.

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