Chapter Seven~

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Dedicated to Jerthepandabear! 'Cause he's cool! Seriously give him a chat sometime, really cool person to talk to. Hope you enjoy the chapter! ^-^

So once again, dates suck on the Internet so I picked another off the top of my head! This was actually something I was going to get to do once for fun! But my sister chickened out on me.

So let's hope some other day I get to do it with some awesome person! The date and the lion! :3

-Chapter Seven-

-Kendal’s POV-

At around nine thirty in the morning my cell had gone off causing a still sleeping Fray to throw his pillow at me in lighting speed only seconds after glaring holes into me.

“You better shut that stupid thing up before I break it and your neck,” he growled. We shared a room in the flat. He had his bed on the opposite side of the room, we shared a room while Chris had his own room that was smaller than ours. I had insisted I would share a room with Fray when we had moved in together knowing that if I had let Chris share a room with Fray it would have been against my master’s wishes. There was not a day that passed by when I didn’t regret ever taking Chris’ place in this room. Fray was that bad of a morning person.

“Go back to sleep, will you?” I snarled back angry with the pillow that had just made my brain slam into my skull. “No one told you to be extra sensitive to ring tones.”

“I wouldn’t be if you’re damn phone wouldn’t go off this early!” He shouted.

“It’s fucking nine o’ clock, bitch!” I yelled throwing the pillow back at him with the same inhuman force hearing a huge smack as it came in contact with his face. “Wake your ass up!”

In the morning Fray wasn’t ever his cool and collected self he chose to be around the crowds outside and I was sure that if he were to have Ciel sleep over he’s lose any chance with him.

“You’re going to regret that, you son-of-a-!” He was interrupted.

“What are you guys going on about?!” Chris shouted from the room across the hall.

“Stay out of it!” Both Fray and I shouted in unison before glaring at each other. It was like this almost every morning when my alarm went off and I had to go to work. He had broken over ten alarm clocks in the past few months. I was wasting more money on buying those flipping things than anything else. The cell rang once more breaking off our staring contest as we both turned to the seemingly innocent device that had started this war.

“Are you going to answer?” Fray muttered.

“Well that’s obvious,” I growled under my breath knowing he heard me when he let out a growl of his own.

“Hello?” I answered my tone a bit pissed off.

“Someone’s grumpy, what happened? Did you have a wet dream about me?” Alan’s voice soothingly made it’s way into my ear.

“Fuck off,” I growled angrily as Fray burst out laughing having heard what Alan said.

“Aww, had a bad night?” He asked seeming to actually mean it this time.

“No, just a messed up morning,” I muttered. “With phones going off and pillows making my brain ram into my skull repeatedly.”

“Sorry about that,” he murmured. “I was just excited about our date.”

“Date?” I frowned. What day was it?

“Its Friday you dumbass,” Fray informed as he got up stretching as he threw his shirt off and make his way over to the desk in the corner opening his laptop and began to get to work.

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