Chapter Nine~

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Dedicated to...daishalynnette! Love the profile pic. xD And your comment was fun to read. Thanks. :)

-Chapter Nine-

-Chris’ POV-

I walked alongside Hunter and Zack as we entered the Council walking slowly towards the main court for who knows what reason. I hardly had an idea of why they had chosen to bring me along for this if I had nothing to do with the Council.

“Why am I here?” I demanded curtly.

“You’re our demon hunter,” Hunter answered. “We taught you everything you know therefore we are to present you as our....pupil?”

“No,” Zack corrected mockingly. “Ciel was our pupil, he’s human.”

“Oh right, dear brother!” Hunter mocked eagerness before turning back to me. “You’re like!”

“Almost like a dog in the street we decided to take under our wing.” Zack chuckled. “And as an order from the Council we are to report to them about the Castillo family.”

“But they are holding Ciel as their dog,” I muttered. “Shouldn’t you not give a crap about reporting to them since they have your pupil as their dog?”

“And could you be any louder?” Zack grumbled.

“They think we think he ran away,” Hunter answered. “Now while we grown ups talk you will sit out here like a good dog.”

“I’m not your dog,” I growled at him. Fray had become fond of these two over the last three years, but I thought they were just a pair of assholes. They entered two huge doors closing them and leaving me behind to stand there. Not too long after I started to walk around and something caught my eye. There was a red liquid coming from under this door that made me draw closer to it cautiously before pressing my ear to the door expecting to hear something inside, but I was greeted by silence that made me frown as I pulled the door open and made my way to a metal bed where a figure lay. I saw Ciel laying there coating in blood like it was a second skin. He seemed to be out for now and I considered taking him to Hunter and Zack, but they were currently busy and to let him die would mean to let Fray die. If I brought him to Fray he would attempt to kill the Council the moment he saw this and get murdered. I only had one person to turn to. Cam.

I lifted Ciel in my arms carrying him to the massive doors realizing there was something holding him inside these walls preventing me from taking him with me. Luckily Hunter and Zack had covered the basics of this and I pulled out a blade from my pocket slicing the palm of my hand and pouring some into Ciel’s mouth before throwing it towards the exit where it stayed in mid air dripping down some invisible wall that was keeping Ciel bound to this place. Suddenly that blood began to almost rip through the air creating an opening where I was walked out with Ciel still knocked out. I walked over to the car that Hunter and Zack had brought me in and hot wired it assuming they’d have to either walk or fly home as I floored it towards Cam’s place. I had received his number and address after Ciel’s disappearance. Of course he never did find out what this whole fight was about. Better late than never, right?

I pulled up to this nice looking house, nothing too flashy, but it certainly contained plenty of style as I hit the brakes leaving tire marks on his driveway and ignoring the stay off the grass sign as I reversed onto that pathway towards his door so that the side Ciel was on was right next to the steps that lead to the front door.

“What the fuck do you-?” Cam came out glaring holes at me, but I shut him up when I opened the door and lifted Ciel into my arms and his eyes widened as he saw how Ciel looked. “Bring him inside, hurry!”

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