four ✰ m. trout (laa)

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little does he know

for RoyalMerrifield

Finally, my last few moments before I become a nursing school graduate are quickly approaching

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Finally, my last few moments before I become a nursing school graduate are quickly approaching. I can't wait to finally get out of this place! There's only one thing standing in my way, though - the final exam. I've spent the last few weeks devoting almost all of my time studying for this stupid test. I just feel like no matter how much I think I know, the exam is going to be nothing like the review, like always. Tonight is just one of my countless nights spent studying, and studying, and more studying. I decide to take a super quick five minute break to check my phone. Unlocking it, I notice a text from my best friend, Mike. If you asked me how long we've been best friends, I probably couldn't even tell you. We had to have met sometime in middle school, and he's followed me since then. The only problem is - I may like him as more than a friend. Which is unfortunate because he clearly doesn't see me as anything more than his 'buddy'. Opening the text, a smile immediately forms on my face just at the thought of him.

fish boy - hey budddd, I'm coming over rn. you better have food for me :)

melea - mike you can't come over, i'm studying for my final exam, i need to focus and you and your stupid ass is too distracting. and no, i am not making you food

fish boy - oh? so you think my ass is stupid?

melea - yes, now shut up. i have to get back to studying

fish boy - okok fine, good luckkkkk :)

Looking at his final text, I decide to get back to work. I just wish I could stay focussed. I can't seem to grasp onto everything like I used to, like something's taking up too much room in my brain already. If I don't pass this test, I am definitely not going to graduate. And I am not staying in this hell hole for another year. So I just need to calm down, and try to remember as much as I can. You can do this, Melea, I tell myself. My apartment is very quiet and empty, only occupied by me and my 8363648 books to study. The setting is perfect, especially because of all of my stress. The last thing I need right now is something making noise and keeping me from studying efficiently.

"Guess who's home, bitches?!" Oh my god. I get up to walk to my front door as Mike Trout walks into my bedroom and plops down on my bed.

"Mike, I told you that you couldn't come," I say, clearly angry. Hopefully if I yell at him, he'll understand how much I don't want him to be here right now. I mean, I'll always take any opportunity to be with him, so I want him to stay. But I know if he does, I'm going to fail my test tomorrow.

"C'monnn, Melea. It's always fun when I'm here,"

"But I can't have fun right now. I have to study." At this point, I'm just annoyed. I'm fine with him being here, as long as he doesn't talk or interrupt me.

"Okay fine. You study, and I'll sit here and do nothing."

"That sounds perfect. Thank you." I turn back around to my desk and immediately dive back into my books and notes. Everything is nice and quiet for a few moments. Until I feel a presence directly behind my chair.

"Whatcha studying?" Mike asks, poking his head out around my shoulder.


"Sorry, sorry," As he sits back down, I let out a sigh and slightly roll my eyes. I don't mean to be rude but I just don't think he understands how important this is to me.

"Do you want help?" The fact that he wants to help me is extremely cute, but I don't really think he could help at all.

"I don't really think you could help me, thanks though, Mike."

"Well, you seem a little stressed. Want a shoulder massage?" I can't help but blush at the question. I mean, we are best friends but that's not something we do casually.

"Uhm, no tha-... actually, sure." He grabs my chair and rolls it back towards where he's sitting on my bed. His hands are warm and gentle on my skin. This is easily the best massage I've ever had. Mike continues for many minutes, giving no complaints. I'd have to say, this is definitely helping me destress. The moment continues until he does something I never imagined would happen. Mike places a soft kiss in the crook of my neck. My breath catches in my throat.

"Mike, what are you-..." I turn around to face him, only to meet his gorgeous green eyes, immediately getting lost in them. His hand slowly lifts to cup my cheek, softly. This is really happening. Oh my god. Okay, don't overthink it. It's not like it's the guy you've loved for the past few years. But instead of freaking out, I stayed calm and the kiss was perfect. His hands easily slipped around my waist as mine found their way to his hair, lightly tugging on the ends. Our lips fit together like no other, almost as if they were molded for one another. And for this small moment, all of my stress and worries slipped my mind and for once, everything was perfect. As we both pulled away, breathing heavily, I found myself lost in his eyes once again. Oh, those gorgeous eyes. After what felt like forever, I finally decided it was time to break the silence.

"That was..-" I began.

"Amazing." He finishes.

"I was going to say unexpected, but amazing definitely works too." A slight blush is already creeping onto my face. The things this boy does to me. Once again falling back into a comfortable silence, Mike laces our fingers together.

"I don't think I'll ever have a better opportunity to say this than now, so here it goes. Melea, I love you. I've always loved you. Ever since we met in middle school, to when we graduated high school, and finally, to now. But I didn't think you felt the same way, so I hid it. But I just can't stand it anymore. I drive myself crazy just trying to keep my hands off of you. For so long, I've wanted to call you mine so now," Getting lost in every word he says, I can't help but recognize how much he's blushing, too. He continues.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me? After you ace your exam, of course." To say I'm going to ace it is a little bit of an exaggeration, but the fact that he believes in me that much is absolutely adorable.

"Is that even a question, Trout? Of course I'll go out with you-" I say with a slight giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me.

"But for now, I need to get back to studying. So, I'll say this as nicely as possible. Please leave." He laughs at me, clearly recognizing the playful tone in my voice.

"Fine. I'll pick you up tomorrow after your exam." He says as I walk him to my front door, still hand-in-hand. I nod in agreement, smiling uncontrollably.

"Ice cream?"

"Ice cream it is." And with that I close the door. Now back to studying so I can pass this damn exam before I go on a date with the man I've loved since middle school.


i honestly feel like this is way too all over the place but i really hope you like it !! :) btw peep the nickname i gave trout (i try too hard to be funny lmao)


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