thirty-four ✰ c. yelich (mil)

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getaway car by taylor swift

for ldivitto

getaway car by taylor swift✰ ✰ ✰for ldivitto

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Finally, my big day. I look beautiful; fancy hair and makeup, white dress and all. But if only I felt beautiful. I should be smiling; happy. But not even a slight genuine grin has graced my face today. I could only muster the fakest smiles to cover my unending regret. You heard me; regret. When I first met this man, I fell hard. Madly in love, we spent years enjoying the presence and affection of one another. And I'm sure he still has those feelings towards me. But it isn't the same. George is never home. He's always out somewhere with his 'friends', which I'm sure are more than friends. But knowing myself, as soon as he popped the big question, I thoughtlessly said yes, despite how much I'd wanted to turn him down right then and there. I'm too nice; and not to mention, too afraid of rejection. Once I found George, I thought I'd get over that. But I'm now realizing I might never move on from my fear. So now I'm stuck marrying a man I'd never imagine myself with. And while I'm tying the knot with one, I'd really rather be another. My thoughts are interrupted. My time to walk down the aisle is now.

George didn't cry. His facial expression barely changed at the sight of him. And that leaves to ask, why exactly am I even marrying this asshole? The ceremony continues, but I couldn't care less. I play little no attention, barely following along during the vows, simply following exactly what I'm told. I make no effort the pay attention. I hear a few words here and there, until a distinct sentence grabs my attention.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace." The doors fly open, the thud booming through the small building - revealing him. The sight of Christian Yelich; his broad shoulders, his messy hair, his chocolate-brown eyes - everything takes me back.

The rainy day rushes me down the street, towards the nearest bus stop. No umbrella, no coat, I'm absolutely soaked from head to toe as the rain continues to pour. As I lightly jog down the empty sidewalk, I finally come across a bus stop, unfortunately already holding one person, I hesitantly trot towards the small roofed space. Standing in the small entrance, the man looks up from his phone. Our eyes meet. My heart stops. Silence fills the space as I lose myself in his deep eyes, taking in every perfect feature of his face, sculpted by God himself. I clear my throat, finally entering the shelter completely, taking a seat beside the man. He instantly shoves his phone into his pocket, turning his attention towards me.

"Terrible weather, am I right?" His voice is deep, and extremely sexy. I look up to catch him staring at me, our eyes meeting once again. I offer a kind smile, lightly nodding.

"Hah, tell me about it." He lets out a small chuckle, his next sentence being interrupted by an extremely loud car pulling up to the stop. That is definitely not the bus. The passenger's side window rolls down to reveal two mean, probably in their twenties.

"Get in, loser! We're going shopping." The driver says in a girly voice, causing both Christian and I to laugh. The man rises beside me, approaching the car. And just before he steps out into heavy rain, he turns back to me, raising his hand, a piece of paper pressed between his pointer finger and thumb.

"I'm Christian, by the way." I hesitantly take the paper from him, scanning the number messily written. A blush creeps onto my cheeks as our hands slightly brush. And he flashes me one last smile; that perfect smile. Christian disappears into the black car, leaving me alone to wait for the bus. I toss the paper between my fingers, a smile stuck on my face and Christian stuck on my mind.

And the rest was history. But with one problem - I'm engaged. Our friendship grew from that day, and so did our feelings. But I was tied to George, almost afraid of escaping. Christian tried to help me, to encourage me to leave him. But I just couldn't.

"I object." He shouts, echoing through the room. Everyone's mouths drop open in shock as many gasps can be heard around the room. And my feelings take over. I drop George's hands, jumping off of the step we'd been placed on. Running full speed towards Christian, his arms are welcoming as we collide in the middle of the aisle. His arms wrap gently around my waist, and mine find their way to his hair as I rest my head on his shoulder. We both pull away slowly, the exact same idea drifting through our minds. I passionately place my hands on either of his cheeks, pulling his lips to mine. The room spins around us, the guests remaining quiet and extremely confused. Christian pulls me closer to him as he deeply kisses me, lovingly. George and I have never shared anything like this. This is special; Christian makes me feel special.

"L-Liana, what are you doing?" George looks at me, anger flaring in his eyes. But to be honest, I don't give a single fuck. I look to Christian, receiving a reassuring nod. I take a huge deep breath, flashing George a death glare.

"Leaving your ass." And with that, I grab Christian's hand, racing down the aisle. I kick my heels off, continuing in my bare feet as Christian leads us to his car. Loud footsteps are heard from behind us, and as I take a quick glance over my shoulder, I see George running close behind us. We split as we reach the car, hopping in on either side. My heart pounds and my palms become extremely sweaty as the thoughts of what George might do to me if he catches us.

"Go! Go! Go!" I shout, pounding on Christian's arm as he starts the car, earning a small laugh from him. The car gets off to a slow start, still giving George room to catch up to us. But as I look out the back window, Christian and I both notice how far he's fallen behind.

"Sorry!" We scream in unison. As I move to stand in the middle of the car, Christian flashes me an adorable smile, pride in his eyes as he watches my every move. I stick my head out the sunroof. Raising my middle fingers to the groom, he slows down, stopping to catch his breath, an extremely angry expression plastered on his beat-red face.

And Christian steps on the gas. George's figure shrinks, along with the terrible memories, only making room for new, better ones. Returning to my seat, I look at Christian as his gaze remains fixed on the road ahead of us. His grip on the wheel is tight, his knuckles almost white as he speeds away from the ceremony. Who knew I'd need a getaway car to escape my own wedding? And who knew Christian would be the one driving?


this is easily the most cliche thing i've ever written lmao ,, and what would a christian yelich imagine be without me freaking out about him beforehand



oK bYe

i really hope you like it girl !! 💗


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